The White Mountains Test | Final Test - Easy

John Christopher and Samuel Youd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Mountains Test | Final Test - Easy

John Christopher and Samuel Youd
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long does it take for Will to catch up with Henry and Beanpole?
(a) A few hours.
(b) A day.
(c) A week.
(d) Ten days.

2. Where is the thing that Beanpole finds on Will in Chapter 9?
(a) His head.
(b) His armpit.
(c) His knee.
(d) His ear.

3. What does the tripod do when it shows up at the tournament?
(a) Interrupts the activity.
(b) Begins the capping of the alloted people.
(c) Stands motionless and mute.
(d) Joins the festivities.

4. Why does Will tell the other boys that he will remain at the celebration?
(a) To stay there permanently.
(b) To give them a head start.
(c) To allay suspicion.
(d) To get some extra supplies.

5. What does Will and his new friend do at the lake?
(a) Sit on the shore.
(b) Go swimming.
(c) Go rowing.
(d) Catch fish.

6. What caused Will's shirt to be torn?
(a) The tripod ripped it.
(b) The long journey.
(c) A fight with Henry.
(d) He cut it himself when it got caught.

7. How does Beanpole think the tripods are able to follow them?
(a) They are using logic.
(b) They did not get the whole tracking beacon out.
(c) They are following their tracks.
(d) They can sense their heat.

8. What do the tripods use to search the forests?
(a) Tracking beacons.
(b) Search dogs.
(c) Their tentacles.
(d) Fire.

9. How do the boys know the other tripods are coming?
(a) They can see them.
(b) They can hear them.
(c) They can feel vibrations in the earth.
(d) They can smell them.

10. What does Will do when the tripod is out of sight in Chapter 9?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Search for food.
(c) Find some shelter.
(d) Pray.

11. Who asks Will to stay at the castle permanently?
(a) The Comtesse.
(b) Elaina.
(c) Eloise.
(d) The Duke.

12. What does Will confess to the woman who was in the room where he woke up?
(a) He hates his cousin.
(b) He ran away.
(c) He wants to destroy the tripods.
(d) He is afraid of being capped.

13. Why does Eloise not sit with Will during the tournament?
(a) Her mother needs her to help.
(b) She has the duties of winning.
(c) She is still upset about the turban.
(d) She is more interested in the knights.

14. What do the tripods use to see in the night?
(a) Bright lights.
(b) Heat vision.
(c) Infrared.
(d) Sonar.

15. What do the men in the White Mountains want to do?
(a) Leave the Earth.
(b) Destroy the tripods.
(c) Make scientific discoveries.
(d) Reverse the effects of the caps.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which direction does the river in Chapter 8 veer off to?

2. How many tripods do the boys see after they successfully hide from the search party?

3. What makes Will feel distanced from Beanpole and Henry?

4. When were the objects in the river in Chapter 8 constructed?

5. What does Beanpole find on Will in Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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