The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does the man take a woman, the poet?
(a) To the dungeon.
(b) To his home.
(c) To a white hotel by an emerald lake.
(d) To a secluded train car.

2. How does the black cat survive the flood?
(a) By sitting on top of the hotel roof.
(b) By climbing to the top of a pine tree.
(c) By swimming in the water.
(d) By clinging to the whale's back.

3. How is the language in this section?
(a) Conservative.
(b) Vulgar.
(c) Bland.
(d) Beautiful.

4. Why does a drunken Vogel say the accident is not as bad as it could have been?
(a) He was not one of the victims, so he finds that to be very fortunate.
(b) There were not many people on the cable car.
(c) Several of the people who died were "Yids" (a derogatory term for Jews).
(d) Several of the people who fell landed on soft bushes and survived.

5. Why do the man and woman switch trains?
(a) The train they are on breaks down.
(b) Their train is too crowded.
(c) They train smells badly.
(d) To go up into the mountains to the hotel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Freud give these writings away?

2. What does the woman dream she is?

3. How do the young man and woman react to the destruction?

4. Why is the woman's mother estranged from her family?

5. What does the force of the weather do?

Short Essay Questions

1. From whom are the letters?

2. Describe the corsetiere, the priest, and the chef.

3. How is the hotel when the couple returns?

4. Who does the woman address in the final section? What does she say?

5. What takes place between the woman and man on the train?

6. Describe the woman and man. Where are they headed?

7. From the mountain the man points out what he believes to be parachutists, but what does the couple discover?

8. What traumatic events does Freud believe relate to the flood and fire hallucination?

9. What takes place between the man and the woman?

10. What destruction does the storm cause?

(see the answer keys)

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