The White Hotel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Hotel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lisa ignore her desires?
(a) She wants to be more responsible.
(b) Her singing is much improved.
(c) She can better concentrate.
(d) It is more peaceful.

2. What does Lisa experience for the first time?
(a) No hallucinations or unpleasant thoughts during sex.
(b) A man that loves her.
(c) A family.
(d) The love of a child.

3. Why does Freud find the woman impenetrable?
(a) She keeps important information from him.
(b) She lies to him.
(c) He has still not found the source of her hysteria.
(d) She believes she is healthy.

4. What is the latest rumor circulating through the crowd?
(a) They will all be shot.
(b) They are going to a concentration camp.
(c) Everyone is going to Palestine.
(d) They will be slaves of the Germans.

5. Of what is the crowd unsure?
(a) What they are protesting.
(b) What to take with them.
(c) Where they are going.
(d) Who is in charge of them.

6. With what is Lisa diagnosed?
(a) Anagnorisis.
(b) Germanophobia
(c) Gnosticism.
(d) Agoraphobia.

7. Why do Lisa and Victor take a trip on a passenger ship?
(a) To escape the Germans.
(b) For a honeymoon.
(c) For a family vacation.
(d) To allow Kolya time to adjust to his new mother.

8. Why is Victor somewhat sad about the birth of his child?
(a) He worries about the health of his child.
(b) He is not sure if he wants children.
(c) He knows fatherhood is a difficult job.
(d) His first wife and their son died during a war.

9. How does Lisa convince the soldier to believe she is a Jew?
(a) She has Jewish features.
(b) She shows him her Hebrew Bible.
(c) She recites Hebrew.
(d) She shows him her Star of David.

10. Why does Freud ask the woman to go home and write an interpretation of her hallucination?
(a) He is intrigued and wants to know how she interprets her hallucination.
(b) He is too tired and ill to interpret her hallucination.
(c) He is confused and upset by her writings.
(d) He is too embarrassed to read her writings.

11. How does everyone around Lisa feel?
(a) Unsure.
(b) Excited.
(c) Angry.
(d) Frightened.

12. What is a clue to what is really harming the woman?
(a) Her breast and ovary pain.
(b) How she relates to Freud.
(c) Her time spent in Bad Gastein.
(d) Her early relationships.

13. What does Freud decide is the root of the woman's hysteria?
(a) Her sexual history.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her mother's affair.
(d) Her father.

14. Madame Cottin represents Madame R. What is the connection between Madame Cottin and Madame R?
(a) They look alike.
(b) They both teach ballet.
(c) They are both corset-makers.
(d) Corset-fitting is similar to the discipline in her ballet studio.

15. The woman has a dream that makes her feel like she does not exist to Freud. What does this mean to Freud?
(a) Her body is fragile.
(b) Her soul does not exist.
(c) She does not mean anything to any man.
(d) She could kill herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the news of the serial killer D'sseldorf affect Lisa?

2. How does Kolya show his true colors?

3. Why does the German officer tell the police officer to kill everyone on the hillside?

4. What information does the letter contain that Lisa receives?

5. How does the crowd know that all "Yids" in Kiev were to report to a street corner by the Jewish cemetery with all their belongings or they would be shot?

(see the answer keys)

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