The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The White Hotel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the young man and woman react to the destruction?
(a) They try to help save the other hotel guests.
(b) They watch in awe at the destruction.
(c) They are practically oblivious.
(d) They call for help.

2. Who does an old nurse describe?
(a) The excellent service at the hotel.
(b) The black cat that is stranded in the pine tree.
(c) A young paralyzed couple that sits together on the yacht.
(d) The delicious food prepared by the chef.

3. What is the only thing the woman really wants from her missing luggage?
(a) Her makeup.
(b) Her toothbrush.
(c) Her soap.
(d) Her clothes.

4. Several days later, when the young couple returns to the dining room, what do they discover?
(a) No food is being served.
(b) The menu has changed.
(c) Their usual table is taken.
(d) They are the only ones in the dining room.

5. Why are the man and woman embarrassed when a nun comes across them?
(a) They had been saying horrible things about the Catholic church.
(b) They had been talking about her.
(c) They are swimming nude in the river.
(d) They are having sex by a stream.

6. Who sings to the woman?
(a) The storm.
(b) The man.
(c) Whales.
(d) The Professor.

7. Why must the woman leave the ballet school?
(a) She no longer enjoys ballet.
(b) She is gaining weight.
(c) She is not graceful.
(d) She does not have the money to attend the school.

8. When do the shooting stars appear?
(a) When the woman is particularly ecstatic.
(b) In the middle of the storm.
(c) Right before the storm begins.
(d) At the end of the storm.

9. To whom does Freud give the young woman's writings?
(a) The woman's father.
(b) Sachs.
(c) His daughter.
(d) Ferenczi.

10. Why does the priest drink from the breast?
(a) He loves milk.
(b) He is attracted to the woman.
(c) Everyone else is drinking from it.
(d) The milk reminds him of his dying mother.

11. Soon, who else is drinking the woman's milk?
(a) The cat.
(b) Infants.
(c) Many other guests and the hotel band.
(d) The maids and butler.

12. What does the woman use to reveal her character?
(a) Poetic devices.
(b) Symbolism.
(c) Descriptive words.
(d) Metaphors and similes.

13. With what is the woman obsessed?
(a) Sex and death.
(b) The white hotel.
(c) Freud.
(d) Natural disasters.

14. What happens to those outside the hotel?
(a) A landslide comes and buries them all.
(b) They mourn the dead.
(c) They are locked outside the hotel.
(d) A strong rain pours down on them.

15. Where do the man and woman go after she is awake?
(a) To the balcony.
(b) To breakfast.
(c) Home.
(d) To the lake.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Bolotnikov-Leskov, a politician, say the whales could have been "called" by Madame Cottin?

2. How does the couple return to their room?

3. What does the Major say about the crowding on the yacht?

4. While the guests are gone, about what does Vogel confront Lionheart?

5. Where do the man and woman take a walk?

(see the answer keys)

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