White Fragility Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Fragility Test | Final Test - Medium

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one function of white fragility, according to Diangelo?
(a) To bully others.
(b) To love others.
(c) To protect white privilege.
(d) To protect people of color.

2. How are Diagelo's workshops today different from those in her early days?
(a) She has less white paricipants.
(b) She does not have any participants of color.
(c) It is not different.
(d) She does not have as many white people reacting in extreme ways.

3. How do white people generally feel when they are challenged on their racism, according to Diangelo?
(a) Loved.
(b) Accused.
(c) Adored.
(d) Confused.

4. What does Diangelo ask others do for her?
(a) Help her teach workshops.
(b) Give her some slack.
(c) Hold her accountable.
(d) Let her use racial slurs.

5. Where do we see anti-black sentiments in our daily lives, as stated in Chapter 6?
(a) Only in predominatly white spaces.
(b) Only in predominantly black spaces.
(c) Nowhere.
(d) Everywhere.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is an employer not required to do regarding affirmative action?

2. What does Diangelo state in Chapter 8 that white fragility function as a form of?

3. What do white people often want to do before they engage in racial discourse, according to Diangelo?

4. How might progressive whites respond in racism workshops like the ones Diangelo leads?

5. What do white people tend to assume aboout people of color who apply to jobs or schools?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some common assumptions white people have about themselves or others in regard to racism, according to Diangelo?

2. What are some common emotional reactions white people have when their assumptions are challenged, according to Diangelo?

3. What may employers be required to do if they choose not to hire a person of color?

4. What are some functions of white fragility?

5. What does Diangelo say about anti-blackness?

6. What does habitus do for white people specifically, accordign to Diangelo?

7. Under what conditions does Diangelo say white people are responsive to her racism talks?

8. What are some common claims white people use to assuage their complicity, according to Diangelo?

9. What are the three key aspects to Bourdieu’s theory that are relevant to white fragility?

10. What are white tears?

(see the answer keys)

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