White Fragility Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

White Fragility Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin DiAngelo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, according to Diangelo, do white people need to understand in order to understand white fragility?
(a) The forces of socialization.
(b) American history.
(c) Good vs. Evil.
(d) Pyschology.

2. What does a person mean when they say they are colorblind?
(a) They can only see black people.
(b) They can see people of color but only in certain light.
(c) They do not see color in terms of race.
(d) They can only see white people.

3. What does Diangelo write that she does not have to worry about?
(a) How others feel about her race.
(b) What she looks like physically.
(c) Getting a decent paying job.
(d) Being followed by staff in a grocery store.

4. What is objectivity?
(a) Objectivity holds that it is impossible to be free of bias.
(b) Objectivity holds that it is possible to be free of bias.
(c) Objectivity holds that race is simple.
(d) Objectivity holds that race is complex.

5. Who uses the term "white racial bonding" to describe how white people work together to remain complicit in the fight against racism?
(a) Martin Luther King Jr.
(b) Robin Deangelo.
(c) Education researcher Christine Sleeter.
(d) Writer Toni Morrison.

6. What does research in implicit bias show about perceptions of crime?
(a) Research shows that perceptions of criminal activity are not influenced by race.
(b) Research shows that perceptions of criminal activity are influenced by race.
(c) Research shows that people of color make up the majority of criminals.
(d) Research shows that white people make up the majority of criminals.

7. What does Diangelo say about race in relation to time and place?
(a) Race is not very adaptive.
(b) Race related issues were only important in 1960s America.
(c) Race is highly adaptive.
(d) Race has nothing to do with any specific time or place.

8. What does Diangelo think about the good/bad binary?
(a) She thinks it only affects people of color.
(b) She thinks it only affects white people.
(c) She thinks it is sensible.
(d) She thinks it is a false dichotomy.

9. What does the birdcage metaphor describe?
(a) How humans and animals interact.
(b) How black people and white people interact.
(c) The forces of good and evil in society.
(d) The interlocking forces of oppression.

10. What is white people's general definition of racism, according to Diangelo?
(a) Perpetuating racist stereotypes.
(b) Intentional acts of racial discrimination committed by an immoral person.
(c) Using racial slurs.
(d) Segregation.

11. What is ideology?
(a) The ideas that a certain percentage of society abides by.
(b) The big ideas that are reinforced throughout society.
(c) The ideas that people of color have about white people.
(d) The ideas that white people have about people of color.

12. What does Diangelo say of race relations?
(a) Only white people understand them.
(b) They are profoundly complex.
(c) They are profoundly simple.
(d) Only people of color understand them.

13. Why can white people not be trusted when it comes to perceptions of race and crime, according to Diangelo?
(a) All white people are racist.
(b) White people perceive danger simply by the presence of people of color.
(c) White people are untrustworthy.
(d) White people do not know much about statistics regarding race and crime.

14. What does "white flight" refer to?
(a) The phenomenon of white people moving into neighborhoods mostly occupie by people of color.
(b) White people trying to justify their own racism.
(c) When Amelia Earhart flew a plane over the Pacific Ocean.
(d) The phenomenon of white families fleeing neighborhoods to escape to the suburbs and avoid the influx of people of color.

15. Where does Diangelo belong, as stated in Chapter 4?
(a) Only in places occupied by people of color.
(b) Only in places occupied by white people.
(c) She does not belong in any particular place.
(d) In every scenario and context.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is white privilege?

2. What does color blindness exempt white people from?

3. What does Diangelo think about treating everyone the same, regardless of race?

4. Who is this book written for?

5. What does aversive racism allow people to do, as stated in Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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