The Whipping Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Sid Fleischman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Whipping Boy Test | Final Test - Hard

Sid Fleischman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Jemmy and the prince following in Chapter 15?

2. What is the only safe place Jemmy knows?

3. What does Jemmy put on his head in Chapter 16?

4. Who follows the boys into the sewers?

5. Who follows Jemmy running out of the hut in Chapter 13?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the prince do when he meets Smudge in the city?

2. Why do the boys want to stay out of the left side of the sewers?

3. Why does Jemmy run out of the outlaws' hut?

4. Why does Jemmy run to the sewers at the beginning of Chapter 19?

5. Why is Jemmy relieved to finally reach the city streets in Chapter 18?

6. What changes do the outlaws make in their ransom note delivery plan in Chapter 12?

7. Why does Prince Brat not yell and holler when he is getting whipped?

8. Why does Jemmy hide in the pile of potatoes?

9. How does the prince feel about the boys' adventure in the forest?

10. Why does Jemmy have to return to the castle?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Prince Brat is a nickname for Prince Horace. Write a response exploring the prince's nickname. Why do people refer to him as Prince Brat? Explain what he does to deserve that nickname. How does the prince react when he learns people call him Prince Brat? How does this nickname affect the prince's character? Be sure to use specific examples in the response.

Essay Topic 2

"The Whipping Boy" takes place during the medieval times, including elements like castles, kings, princes, and other era-appropriate images in the setting. Write a response explaining the importance of the time period and setting on the story. What elements of the story exist merely because the story takes place during this time period? How is the time period important to the story? How are the various settings important to the story's development?

Essay Topic 3

Jemmy spends his life in the city sewers before he is turned into the prince's whipping boy. Write a response comparing and contrasting Jemmy's two lives. How is his life in the sewers similar to his life in the castle? How are those two parts of his life different? How does one affect or influence the other? How does Jemmy take knowledge from one situation to another? Be sure to use specific examples from the story in the response.

(see the answer keys)

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