While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

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While I Was Gone Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Jo's daughter go that night when she asks to borrow the car?
(a) A friend's house.
(b) The airport.
(c) A local bar.
(d) A cafe.

2. What is Daniel's demeanor when he learns that Jo had gone to the police station?
(a) Glad.
(b) Relieved.
(c) Shocked.
(d) Disappointed.

3. When Cass was little and had nightmares, Jo would tell her stories about a character that was based on whom?
(a) Jo.
(b) Thumbelina.
(c) Dana.
(d) Fairies.

4. Eli has told the police that Jo squealed on him because ______________________.
(a) Daniel told her to.
(b) She has a very vivid imagination.
(c) He refused her sexual advances.
(d) She is mentally unbalanced.

5. What consumes Jo's thoughts for several days?
(a) Whether she should buy a new car.
(b) Whether she should buy the cruise tickets.
(c) Whether she should report Eli.
(d) Whether she should expand her practice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has cast doubt on Jo's credibility?

2. Jo tells Daniel she is going to meet whom in Chapter 11?

3. What was Dana doing when Eli had arrived to talk to her on the one-year date for the discussion about their relationship?

4. Whom does Jo call to invite to a party?

5. What does Jean invite Daniel and Jo to do the following week?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Jo almost pleased that Daniel threw the tomato at the wall next to her?

2. Why does Daniel not seem to like Eli?

3. What are Jo's thoughts about Eli after they had coffee together?

4. What holiday disaster had Daniel feared, and how did he avoid it?

5. Are Jo's concerns for Cass' welfare particularly painful because Jo lived a similar lifestyle in her youth?

6. Why does Daniel not respond the way Jo thinks he should when she tells him about reporting Eli to the Cambridge police?

7. How has Eli rationalized his guilt over killing Dana?

8. What does Jo notice about Cass' physical appearance, and why is she concerned?

9. How does Jo's reporting Eli's murder impact Sadie's life in a way Jo never considered?

10. How has Jo's secret meeting with Eli damaged her relationship with Daniel?

(see the answer keys)

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