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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Muslim immigrants are usually from where, which means they are more conservative and against Western values?
2. Why are the younger Muslims an increasing challenge to French society?
3. Radical, fundamental Muslims are taking advantage of what?
4. Most Eastern Europeans supported what?
5. There is a clear difference between American and European _________________.
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe immigration and integration in Europe.
2. How important is freedom to Americans?
3. Why is the European media so different from the media in the U.S.?
4. Of what is Bawer convinced? Why?
5. How do most Europeans view immigrants? How does this compare to the American view of immigrants?
6. What is the European view of the world?
7. Why do Europeans want to avoid war? How does this desire affect them?
8. Describe the 68ers.
9. What did many Europeans believe about George Bush?
10. How else does the author say about France and its Muslim population?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Olaf Gersemann tried to break the stereotype that Europeans had towards Americans.
Part 1) How does he go about trying to break this? Why does he try to break this stereotype? How does he benefit from ti?
Part 2) Is he successful at breaking the stereotype? Why or why not? What stereotype do Americans have of Europeans? Why?
Part 3) What stereotypes do you witness in your own life? Are these accurate? Why or why not? Can they be broken? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Many cultural differences exist between the Americans and Europeans.
Part 1) Describe four of these differences. How are these differences seen in the cultures of these two areas of the Western world?
Part 2) How do these differences influence their behavior towards those of other cultures and religions? How does this influence their behavior towards each other?
Part 3) How is your culture important to you? How does it influence your beliefs and actions?
Essay Topic 3
Separate but equal remains in many parts of Europe.
Part 1) What is meant by separate but equal? Why does this exist?
Part 2) How effective in this policy? Explain. How does this affect immigrants to Europe?
Part 3) How has the U.S. been affected by this policy? Does it still exist today? Why or why not?
This section contains 1,046 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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