While Europe Slept Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

While Europe Slept Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The similarities between Norwegians and the Dutch were ______________ their differences.
(a) Less than.
(b) More than.
(c) The same as.
(d) Similar to.

2. Despite all of this European confederation, and EU unity, most Europeans are _____________ one another's cultures.
(a) Indifferent to.
(b) Jealous of.
(c) Interested in.
(d) Unsure of.

3. Why is corruption high in Muslim countries?
(a) They are very sneaky.
(b) They do not have morals.
(c) It is in their blood to be corrupt.
(d) They want to grab everything they can before it is gone.

4. European politicians are ___________________.
(a) Often not trusted and questioned.
(b) Greatly feared and respected.
(c) Greatly underappreciated.
(d) Greatly respected and listened to.

5. Who is vigilant to keep new Muslim immigrants on the Islam "straight and narrow?"
(a) The leaders of Muslim countries.
(b) European leaders.
(c) Muslim communities.
(d) Religious leaders.

Short Answer Questions

1. The United States sees immigrants as assets to be integrated into the culture. How do Europeans view immigrants?

2. Muslim immigrants are usually from where, which means they are more conservative and against Western values?

3. What did this leader found?

4. When the narrator went to the police regarding the physical violence that took place against him, what did they do?

5. Europeans want to ignore __________ to prevent war.

Short Essay Questions

1. How and why has Europe come to this point regarding their immigrants?

2. What is Paris becoming? How does the author support this?

3. Describe immigration and integration in Europe.

4. Why are Europeans wrong in assuming that any immigrants would eventually "melt" into the general culture of the country in which they settle?

5. How do most Europeans view immigrants? How does this compare to the American view of immigrants?

6. Describe attacks on gays by Muslims. How did the authorities respond to these attacks?

7. What did many Europeans believe about George Bush?

8. Who is Mullah Krekar?

9. Describe European politicians.

10. How important is freedom to Americans?

(see the answer keys)

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