While Europe Slept Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

While Europe Slept Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The establishment's response was to do what?
(a) Rework the terms of the constitution.
(b) Forget the constitution.
(c) Rewrite the constitution.
(d) Continue trying with the constitution.

2. On ___________ terrorists attacked Madrid, Spain's capital.
(a) March 11th, 2003.
(b) March 11th, 2002.
(c) March 11th, 2005.
(d) March 11th, 2004.

3. These two negative factors were common in nations that had what policies?
(a) Socialist-state.
(b) Communist-state.
(c) Democratic-state.
(d) Welfare-state.

4. They worked hard to protect their country from the sea with what?
(a) Walls and dams.
(b) Dykes and walls.
(c) Nets and walls.
(d) Dykes and dams.

5. The American style economy is a danger to them because of what reason?
(a) Its success means the end of European wealth.
(b) Its success threatens their economy in that Europe's people may want to shift to American style economy.
(c) Its success means the U.S. will be the most powerful nation on the planet.
(d) Its success threatens their economy in that European nations will lose power.

6. After moving to Oslo, Baum made sure he kept up with _________ issues.
(a) French.
(b) Swedish.
(c) Dutch.
(d) German.

7. Who were the weakest people in the Netherlands?
(a) Women.
(b) Muslim women.
(c) Native Dutch.
(d) Muslims.

8. What in France is spreading like an epidemic?
(a) The flu.
(b) The plague.
(c) Anti-Semitism.
(d) Fear.

9. He disproved myth after myth and showed that Europe's high-tax society was _______________ the American liberal democracy.
(a) Superior to.
(b) Not superior to.
(c) Similar to.
(d) The same as.

10. Why did the Netherlands not protect their Jews and their belongings?
(a) They could not afford to protect them.
(b) They thought they could protect themselves.
(c) It is hard for a Dutch person to accept another non-ethnic Dutch native, as a Dutch.
(d) They did not realize the seriousness of the situation.

11. On July 7th, 2005, what happened?
(a) London was attacked.
(b) Madrid was attacked.
(c) Oslo was attacked.
(d) Paris was attacked.

12. After 9/11 Muslims in ___________ applauded the attacks, celebrating in the streets and calling on a holy war of their society as well.
(a) Great Britain.
(b) Denmark.
(c) Germany.
(d) Spain.

13. It did _______ to change the cultural practices of the Muslims.
(a) Nothing.
(b) Much.
(c) Little.
(d) Some.

14. Europe needs to fight against whom?
(a) Those that oppress freedom of others.
(b) Israel.
(c) The U.S.
(d) Those who want them to change.

15. The terrorists that bombed Madrid wanted the people to vote for ___________ and not for Aznar because Aznar was for the Iraq war and wouldn't pull the troops out.
(a) Zapatero.
(b) Bustelo.
(c) López.
(d) Márquez.

Short Answer Questions

1. Hirsi spoke how many languages with great ease?

2. Anti-Americanism in Europe is so deep and intense that they often reminisce of what time?

3. The Social Democrats had gained control of Denmark and Prime Minister _________________ promised he would change immigration policies and invest in a solid integration packet.

4. She knew that Social Democrats were big on protecting who?

5. What did Europeans want?

(see the answer keys)

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