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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Europeans compare ________________ to American democracy.
(a) Communism.
(b) Fascism.
(c) Nazi Germany.
(d) Socialism.
2. Europeans assumed that any immigrants would eventually "melt" into the general culture of the country in which they settle. Is this is true of fundamental Muslims?
(a) No, because they do not speak the language.
(b) No, because they still retain their restrictive ways of living.
(c) Yes.
(d) No, because the do not have the money.
3. European politicians are ___________________.
(a) Greatly feared and respected.
(b) Often not trusted and questioned.
(c) Greatly respected and listened to.
(d) Greatly underappreciated.
4. What do journalists believe it is their job to do?
(a) Question the European way of life.
(b) Teach people about the way that life is.
(c) Question those in authority.
(d) Keep the citizens in the dark.
5. Most Eastern Europeans supported what?
(a) The United States invasion of Eastern Europe.
(b) The Western European views.
(c) The United States invasion of Afghanistan.
(d) The Muslim attacks on the U.S.
6. One of the prime examples of Europeans "faintness of heart" when dealing with Muslim's is the story of whom?
(a) Mullah Krekar.
(b) Mullah Nasreddin.
(c) Mullah Muhammed.
(d) Mullah Ali.
7. Bush was whose puppet, according to some Europeans?
(a) The American people's.
(b) The Muslim's.
(c) Israel's.
(d) His father's.
8. What does the European tolerance of differences in beliefs plus the lack of help in integrating into their new home, create?
(a) A content, yet isolated Muslim community.
(b) A "separate but equal" state.
(c) An environment of isolation for the Muslim community.
(d) A comfortable way for both Muslims and Europeans to live in peace.
9. Why did Eastern Europeans support this?
(a) They do not like Americans.
(b) They know they need the U.S.'s support.
(c) Their memories of Communism were still vivid and they understood the need to fight for freedom.
(d) They support decisions made and the ideas of Western Europe.
10. How many of the 5 million Muslims in France reside in Paris?
(a) 4.5 million.
(b) 2.5 million.
(c) 1.5 million.
(d) 3.5 million.
11. Radical, fundamental Muslims are taking advantage of what?
(a) Europe's hatred.
(b) Europe's fear.
(c) Europe's liberality.
(d) Europe's lack of organization.
12. On September 11th, 2001, the Narrator was in ________ and turned the TV on in time to see the second plane hit the World Trade Center.
(a) Helsinki.
(b) Copenhagen.
(c) Stockholm.
(d) Oslo.
13. Why is the media so one-sided?
(a) Because they do not trust the government.
(b) Because they fear Muslim retaliation.
(c) Because they fear the people.
(d) Because the government funds it.
14. Why are the younger Muslims an increasing challenge to French society?
(a) They want to return to their native countries.
(b) They are uneducated and do not speak French.
(c) They do not see themselves as being subject to French laws.
(d) They want to become full members of French society.
15. The United States sees immigrants as assets to be integrated into the culture. How do Europeans view immigrants?
(a) As a waste of time.
(b) As assets to the culture.
(c) As charity cases.
(d) As upstanding citizens of society.
Short Answer Questions
1. Both individuals and governments blamed the attack on what?
2. The media in Norway, and much of Europe, is taught to do what?
3. These Muslims are mostly of _________ descent.
4. To what will France have to succumb?
5. Some who are actually European born have moved back to their native countries but continue to receive what?
This section contains 573 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |
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