Where the Air Is Clear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Air Is Clear Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gervasio Pola stage?
(a) A musical about Mexican politics.
(b) An escape via a garbage cart.
(c) A strike at a factory in Mexico City.
(d) A war against the revolutionaries.

2. What does Gervasio remember about his companions?
(a) They are Federalists.
(b) They wish to die together.
(c) They do not wish to die together.
(d) They ditched him.

3. Who is ruthlessly pushing his business interests forward by refusing to hear the case of an injured worker?
(a) Charlotte Garcia.
(b) Ixca Cienfuegos.
(c) Federico Robles.
(d) Gladys Garcia.

4. What does Rodrigo's mother do when she finds his manuscript called "lavender verse?"
(a) She throws it away our of anger.
(b) She becomes very excited.
(c) She becomes furious that he has wasted his time.
(d) She is unsure how to feel about his work.

5. How does Robles regard Norma?
(a) As a perfect wife.
(b) As an idea, an image.
(c) As his best friend.
(d) As an enemy.

6. What does Robles say is the challenge of the era?
(a) Build capital for the nation and protect workers' rights.
(b) To create an education reform.
(c) Reinstate the draft and mandatory military service.
(d) Reinvent the social security system.

7. In what does Zamacona think a problem consists?
(a) The middle class not having the right to vote.
(b) The running of the country by thieves and thugs.
(c) Not being a nation of one origin.
(d) Not truly understanding one's origins.

8. With what is the narrator now dealing?
(a) Mexico's future.
(b) Mexico's revolutionary past.
(c) Native Mexicans.
(d) Mexico City.

9. How does Rodrigo Pola feel at the party?
(a) Excited to be around the celebrities.
(b) Insecure and unsure of what to do.
(c) Slightly sick.
(d) Slightly superior to the crowd but attneds the gala regardless.

10. What does Zamacona think Mexicans must do?
(a) Look to the past.
(b) Gain more power in European society.
(c) Create their own originality and beginnings.
(d) Expand upon the middle class.

11. What do most of the characters do after the party?
(a) Stay at Bobo's.
(b) Sleep late or lay in bed.
(c) Meet for an early breakfast.
(d) Stay in a hotel.

12. What does Robles believe he has earned the right to do?
(a) Elevate himself about the bankrupt nonentities forever.
(b) Take the day off from work.
(c) Go on a vacation.
(d) Sleep in.

13. In what does Ibarra specialize?
(a) Real estate law.
(b) Medicine.
(c) Oral surgery.
(d) Labor law.

14. How does Zamacona begin his day?
(a) Writing in his journal about the previous day and his plans for the rest of the day.
(b) With an essay on Mexico's eccentricity and position in the world.
(c) With a cup of coffee and a donut.
(d) Calling his mother and wishing her good morning.

15. In what does Robles' general give him lessons?
(a) Capturing prisoners.
(b) Leadership and morality.
(c) Killing people.
(d) Getting over his fears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to General Zapata?

2. Who is Ixca Cienfuegos?

3. What fills the streets?

4. What happens to the angry workers?

5. Who is Gervasio Pola?

(see the answer keys)

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