Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What challenge do the Pritchard boys pose for Billy and the dogs?
(a) Catching the biggest raccoon.
(b) Treeing the "ghost coon."
(c) Catching more raccoons than they have caught.
(d) Selling the most pelts.

2. How does Billy react when his grandfather tells him he has entered him into the hunting contest?
(a) He is put off.
(b) He is ecstatic.
(c) He is surprised.
(d) He is honored.

3. What does Billy do to try and gain an advantage on his night of hunting in the contest?
(a) Move out of the over-hunted area.
(b) Give the dogs a pep talk.
(c) Take his father and grandfather along hunting.
(d) Encourage the dogs.

4. Who lays next to Old Dan's dead body before it is buried?
(a) Little Ann.
(b) Billy's sisters.
(c) Billy and Little Ann.
(d) Billy.

5. How is Rubin Pritchard killed?
(a) His brother hits him with the ax.
(b) Billy hits him with the ax when he tries to attack his dogs.
(c) Billy's dogs attack him.
(d) He trips on branch and falls on his ax.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which night does Billy draw to hunt in the contest?

2. Why do the dogs pounce on a large scary animal in Chapter 18 that Old Dan had treed?

3. What criteria must all entrants into the hunting contest in Chapter 14 meet?

4. Where does Billy bury the dogs when they die?

5. Why is Billy concerned about entering one of the dogs into the best looking dog contest?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the "ghost coon" able to evade the dogs?

2. What does Billy do to prepare for the final round of the hunting competition?

3. Why doesn't Billy follow his dogs to the third raccoon in the final round of the hunting competition? What does he do instead?

4. What does Billy do to try and rescue Little Ann from the freezing river?

5. Describe the struggle between Billy's dogs and the mountain lion.

6. How does Papa believe the family's prayers have been answered in Chapter 19?

7. What are the rules of the hunting competition?

8. Why does Rainie Pritchard suggest that Billy should accept that his dogs cannot catch the "ghost coon"?

9. What do Papa and Billy do upon returning home from the hunting competition? How does the family react?

10. Describe the legend of the red fern.

(see the answer keys)

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