Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Red Fern Grows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Billy's father show him to help him feel better when Old Dan and Little Ann die?
(a) The money he earned through hunting.
(b) A new puppy.
(c) A grave marker he made for the dogs.
(d) The home the family is buying in town.

2. What does Billy realize when he hears Old Dan bay while out on the ice?
(a) Something is wrong.
(b) He has found the raccoon.
(c) He has lost the scent of the raccoon.
(d) He is hurt.

3. Why do the dogs pounce on a large scary animal in Chapter 18 that Old Dan had treed?
(a) It attacks Billy.
(b) It growls at them.
(c) It looks like it might attack Billy.
(d) It stands in a threatening way.

4. Which of the following is NOT something Billy believes would be at the dogs' grave sites years later?
(a) The grave marker his father made.
(b) An old rusty lantern.
(c) Red oaks.
(d) Red fern.

5. What surprises the hunting contest judge about Billy's dogs' final catch?
(a) They were able to find the raccoon again after he walked a rail fence.
(b) They chased the raccoon for miles.
(c) They did not give up even though it was daybreak.
(d) They worked together to tree the raccoon.

6. What problem do the dogs face when the raccoon leads them to the river in Chapter 11?
(a) The water is too cold to swim in.
(b) They lose the scent of the coon.
(c) The ice on the river is slippery.
(d) The river is frozen.

7. Why do the Pritchard boys refuse to give Billy his money back?
(a) They believe that the dogs must kill the raccoon in order for the bet to be won.
(b) They are cowards.
(c) They say he owed them the money.
(d) They are unfair.

8. What does Billy do to try and gain an advantage on his night of hunting in the contest?
(a) Encourage the dogs.
(b) Take his father and grandfather along hunting.
(c) Give the dogs a pep talk.
(d) Move out of the over-hunted area.

9. What does Billy do to help himself see the dogs in the fog in Chapter 11?
(a) He shines his flashlight on the ice pack.
(b) He builds a fire near the shore of the river.
(c) He tries to put his lantern on the ice pack using a length of cane.
(d) He inches closer to the ice pack.

10. in Chapter 14, what concern about Little Ann does Billy share with his father?
(a) She is gun shy.
(b) She is ill.
(c) She is sometimes too small to climb a tree.
(d) She cannot keep up with Old Dan.

11. Who lays next to Old Dan's dead body before it is buried?
(a) Billy and Little Ann.
(b) Billy.
(c) Billy's sisters.
(d) Little Ann.

12. Why does Billy visit his grandfather's store on the day he encounters the Pritchard boys?
(a) He is dropping off pelts to be sold at the store.
(b) He is getting a sack of corn milled for his mother.
(c) He is visiting his grandfather.
(d) He is purchasing hunting supplies.

13. What does Billy find when he visits to the dogs' graves before leaving home?
(a) A grave marker made by his father.
(b) A sycamore tree growing up between them.
(c) A red fern growing up between them.
(d) The old KC Baking Powder can.

14. What happens to Grandpa while searching for Old Dan in the storm?
(a) He becomes dehydrated.
(b) He must stop to take a rest.
(c) He hurts his ankle.
(d) He falls and knocks himself unconscious and injures his ankle.

15. How many raccoons do Billy and the dogs catch during the hunting contest?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the "ghost coon" ultimately head for at the end of Chapter 12?

2. Where does Billy's family move to in Chapter 19?

3. Which night does Billy draw to hunt in the contest?

4. Who does Billy's grandfather hold partly responsible for Rubin's death?

5. What happens to Grandpa as the dogs chase their second raccoon?

(see the answer keys)

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