Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. The girl in Chapter 30 worships the tiger as the embodiment of what?
2. What had the village of Ba and Ma undergone in Chapter 34?
3. What is the name of the man in the courtyard of the moon in Chapter 42?
4. What is the name of A-Fu and Da-Fu's village?
5. Why can't Dragon cross the bridge in Chapter 41?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who awakens Minli in Chapter 37? How do the villagers react to Dragon?
2. What happens when the Tiger leaps at Minli in Chapter 29? Who is injured?
3. What story does Ma relate in the novel? What does she discover in telling it?
4. What do A-Fu's family do to help heal Minli in Chapter 36?
5. Where does the orphan girl lead Great Green Tiger in Chapter 31? What happens to Great Green Tiger?
6. What happened when night came in the Story of Da-A-Fu's Ancestors?
7. Where do Minli and Dragon decide to stay in Chapter 27? What is nearby?
8. What does Minli find when she reaches the moon in Chapter 42? What characters does she meet?
9. What subplots begin in Chapters 25-36? What obstacles does Minli face in this section of the narrative?
10. Where does Minli sneak out of in Chapter 26? Who does she go see?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe the characters of Ma and Ba in the narrative. What qualities does Ba exhibit? How does Ma feel about her place in life? How do Ma and Ba impact Minli's decisions?
Essay Topic 2
Define the literary element of conflict. What conflicts does Minli face in the novel? What conflict does Minli face with the tiger? How does conflict serve to propel the plot forward?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss and describe the motif of magic in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. What magical elements have been revealed in the story? How do these elements relate to Chinese folklore?
This section contains 946 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |