Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Minli give the beggar in the market in Chapter 21?
2. Who does Minli invite Dragon to come meet with her?
3. Where can the King and his palace be found in the City of Bright Moonlight?
4. What was the City of Bright Moonlight formerly named?
5. Who do Ma and Ba meet in the forest in Chapter 9?
Short Essay Questions
1. What actions do Minli and Dragon take in Chapters 13 and 14? Why is their passage through the forest blocked?
2. What does the goldfish seller tell Ma and Ba in Chapter 12? Who was Lao Lao?
3. Who made the rain start and stop in the Story of Fruitless Mountain? Who were her children? What became of them?
4. What does Minli discuss with the King in Chapter 23? What story does the King tell?
5. Where does Minli go with the Buffalo Boy in Chapter 21? Who does Minli run into there? What does he do?
6. Why is Fruitless Mountain fruitless, according to Ba? How will it turn green?
7. In the King's story in Chapter 23, who had torn a page from the Book of Fortune? What did it say?
8. Where does the Buffalo Boy Live? What story does he relate?
9. What had one of the soldiers seen on the piece of paper in the Story of the Paper of Happiness?
10. What does Minli discover when she enters the City of Bright Moonlight?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Describe the character of Dragon in the narrative. What role does Dragon play to the plot and to Minli's journey? How did Dragon come into being?
Essay Topic 2
Define the literary element of conflict. What conflicts does Minli face in the novel? What conflict does Minli face with the tiger? How does conflict serve to propel the plot forward?
Essay Topic 3
Describe the characters of the fish and Aunt Jin and their role in the narrative. What magical elements are foretold in the fish's story?
This section contains 967 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |