Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Dragon came to life once what had been added to the painting?
(a) Teeth.
(b) Eyes.
(c) Tail.
(d) Wings.

2. The moral of Ba's story in Chapter 15 is that the secret of happiness is what?
(a) Not meant to be found.
(b) Different for everyone.
(c) Easily found.
(d) Impossible.

3. Who does Ba say is the only person who knows how to make Fruitless Mountain green?
(a) A-Fu.
(b) The Goldfish Seller.
(c) Jade Dragon.
(d) The Old Man of the Moon.

4. Who does Minli invite Dragon to come meet with her?
(a) Magistrate Tiger.
(b) A-Fu.
(c) The Old Man of the Moon.
(d) Jade Dragon.

5. What name does Minli call her father?
(a) Da-A-Fu.
(b) Ba.
(c) The Old Man of the Moon.
(d) The goldfish seller.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the name of the goldfish seller's fortuneteller grandmother?

2. Who made the rain across the land at Fruitless Mountain?

3. What does the beggar eat in the market in Chapter 21?

4. What magically grows in the market after the beggar buries a seed in Chapter 21?

5. What does Ba say is trapped in Fruitless Mountain?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who do Dragon and Minli encounter in the forest in Chapter 16? What does this creature ask?

2. What news did the Old Man of the Moon give to Magistrate Tiger in the Story of the Old Man of the Moon? How did Magistrate Tiger react?

3. Why does the dragon tell Minli he was trapped in Chapter 11? Who trapped him?

4. What had one of the soldiers seen on the piece of paper in the Story of the Paper of Happiness?

5. What does Minli discuss with the King in Chapter 23? What story does the King tell?

6. What does Minli lament about her family? What does she do to change it in Chapter 2?

7. In the King's story in Chapter 23, who had torn a page from the Book of Fortune? What did it say?

8. Why is Fruitless Mountain fruitless, according to Ba? How will it turn green?

9. Who does Minli first meet in the City of Bright Moonlight? What news does he relate to her?

10. What story does the goldfish ask Ba to tell in Chapter 15? Who is in the story?

(see the answer keys)

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