Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Minli realize the City of Bright Moonlight is when she arrives?
(a) Busy.
(b) Small.
(c) Under construction.
(d) Closed.

2. Who does Dragon say trapped him by the salty river?
(a) Monkeys.
(b) Birds.
(c) Tigers.
(d) Bats.

3. What did the magistrate find when he went to the family's home in Ba's story in Chapter 15?
(a) Cats had taken over.
(b) It had burnt down.
(c) There were other people living there.
(d) The family was gone.

4. What was the City of Bright Moonlight formerly named?
(a) Lunarville.
(b) The City of the Far Remote.
(c) Moon City.
(d) The City of Dim Moonlight.

5. Where is the orphan's hut in the City of Bright Moonlight?
(a) By the castle.
(b) Near the Inner City.
(c) In the Inner City.
(d) Far from the city.

6. Who does the beggar turn out to be in Chapter 22?
(a) A-Fu.
(b) Da-Fu.
(c) The King.
(d) The Old Man of the Moon.

7. What is the name of Minli's village in the beginning of the book?
(a) The Metropolis of Sunbeams.
(b) The City of Bright Moonlight.
(c) The Village of the Moon Rain.
(d) Village of Fruitless Mountain.

8. The Dragon came to life once what had been added to the painting?
(a) Eyes.
(b) Teeth.
(c) Tail.
(d) Wings.

9. What does Minli find trapped under ropes in Chapter 8?
(a) A dog.
(b) A bird.
(c) A dragon.
(d) A cat.

10. What is the dragon's gate?
(a) A river.
(b) A waterfall.
(c) A rainbow.
(d) A cave.

11. Where does Minli discover the King will be the next day from the Buffalo Boy?
(a) The Market of Green Artichokes.
(b) The Market of Great Abundance.
(c) The Market of Green Abundance.
(d) The Market of Great Avocados.

12. Where does Minli go to sleep in Chapter 6?
(a) Never-Ending Mountain.
(b) The forest.
(c) Her bedroom.
(d) The castle.

13. What do Ma and Ba carry back into their village in Chapter 20?
(a) Monkeys.
(b) Firewood.
(c) Minli.
(d) The Goldfish.

14. What does Minli decide to use against the monkeys in Chapter 14?
(a) Rocks.
(b) Name calling.
(c) Sticks.
(d) Their own greed.

15. How does the Buffalo Boy describe his beautiful female friend?
(a) Talkative.
(b) Gorgeous.
(c) Sad.
(d) Quiet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Ma angry at Ba in Chapter 9?

2. In Chapter 1, what does Minli ask her father?

3. What story does Ba tell in Chapter 15?

4. How often does the Inner City open in the City of Bright Moonlight?

5. Who was the man who refused to bow to the powerful magistrate?

(see the answer keys)

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