Objects & Places from Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Objects & Places from Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Grace Lin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Lesson Plans

The Village of Fruitless/Fruitful Mountain

This is the heroine's impoverished village that comes into great wealth as a result of her quest.

The City of Bright Moonlight

This location has inner and outer halves where Minli meets the buffalo boy and the King of the city.

The Village of the Moon Rain

This small village is harassed by Green Tiger and is the home of Da-A-Fu, A-Gong and Amah.

Never-Ending Mountain

This is where the Old Man of the Moon can be found.

Fruitless Mountain

This lifeless location is where Minli's village is located.

The Moon

This is a body of rock that orbits that earth.

The Book of Fortune

This work by the Old Man of the Moon tells the future.

The String of Destiny

This is a red fiber that eventually forms a bridge by which Minli can reach her destiny.

The Borrowed Lines


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