Where the Heart Is Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Billie Letts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Heart Is Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Billie Letts
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Novalee go to Rattlesnake Ridge?
(a) To photograph the sunset.
(b) To photograph rattlesnakes.
(c) To photograph the sunrise.
(d) To photograph animals.

2. What type of car does Willy Jack drive?
(a) Buick.
(b) Dodge.
(c) Chevy.
(d) Plymouth.

3. What is Novalee afraid will happen because she has not taken care of the gift?
(a) The kind of luck she will have.
(b) She will not have anything for her baby.
(c) The person who gave it to her will be angry.
(d) The number 7 related to it.

4. While in jail, Willy Jack meets Claire Hudson. Who is she?
(a) Librarian.
(b) Warden.
(c) Chey.
(d) Guard.

5. When Forney and Novalee return to Sister Husband's trailer, what do they see?
(a) A deer.
(b) Flashing red and blue lights.
(c) Car headlights.
(d) Christmas Lights.

Short Answer Questions

1. What number is Novalee Nation superstitious of?

2. What agency does Willy Jack go to?

3. How many children does Lexie Coup have?

4. While searching for Americus how many police cars with flashing lights pass?

5. How old is Novalee Nation when the story begins?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Claire obsessed with Band-Aids?

2. How is Novalee building the life she dreamed of?

3. What are the gifts Novalee receives in Chapter 2 and who are they from?

4. Why is the buckeye tree important to Novalee?

5. What are Lexie's children's names and what do they tell us about Lexie?

6. How has Novalee's vision of photography changed?

7. Explain how Novalee and Lexie are similar and how Troy and Willy Jack are similar.

8. Describe how Novalee helps out during the tornado.

9. How is the nativity scene symbolic of the life of Novalee?

10. How is Novalee's superstition coming into play?

(see the answer keys)

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