Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Final Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What disease does Ruth Arviso suffer from?
(a) Crohn's.
(b) Alcoholism.
(c) Alzheimer's.
(d) Cancer.

2. Which reason is NOT a reason that Rosemary's death was accepted as a suicide?
(a) Because she had attempted suicide before.
(b) Because she was not seeing a counselor at the time.
(c) Because a suicide note was found.
(d) Because Nora Drake said Rosemary had planned it.

3. What had the elderly man who had fallen done when he was young and healthy?
(a) He was a farmer.
(b) He was a dentist.
(c) He was a bookie.
(d) He was a builder.

4. Whose car does Sequoyah get into after he walks downtown in the rain to find Rosemary?
(a) Liz's.
(b) Harold's.
(c) Jack's.
(d) Nora's.

5. What was wrong with the older man that Sequoyah helped after he had fallen?
(a) He had stitches in his face.
(b) He had a broken leg.
(c) He had cancer.
(d) He had dementia.

6. What kind of movies does Rosemary like to see?
(a) Slasher films.
(b) Documentaries.
(c) Romantic comedies.
(d) Action Thrillers.

7. What does Rosemary do to signal the turn-off to get to her secret place?
(a) She rolls a big rock to the corner.
(b) She puts up a street sign.
(c) She ties a pink bandana to a tree branch.
(d) She marks an orange arrow on the curb.

8. What behavior does Sequoyah imagine Rosemary doing?
(a) Playing the game he and George played together.
(b) Playing with dolls.
(c) Wearing his clothes.
(d) Riding a horse.

9. After Rosemary dies, what is Sequoyah afraid of?
(a) That people will know he was in the room with her.
(b) That people he knows could leave him.
(c) That George will want to commit suicide.
(d) That Harold and Agnes will blame him.

10. What does George think happened while he stands by the tree in the woods when he and Sequoyah look for Rosemary?
(a) He thinks he saw a monster.
(b) He thinks someone called his name.
(c) He thinks he saw Rosemary.
(d) He thinks he heard the sound of running water.

11. What is Rosemary's attitude the day of the court hearing for Sequoyah's mother?
(a) She is distant and uninterested.
(b) She is obsessed with Sequoyah's appearance.
(c) She is angry at Sequoyah for attending the hearing.
(d) She is super excited for Sequoyah.

12. What were Rosemary's last words?
(a) "I can't stand you."
(b) "I think you're ugly."
(c) "You never listen."
(d) "You are stupid."

13. What kind of bird did Harold's dad want to catch?
(a) A male cardinal.
(b) A ferruginous hawk.
(c) A pileated woodpecker.
(d) A ruby-throated hummingbird.

14. What is the only thing that Harold messes with in the attic?
(a) Christmas decorations.
(b) The money he has hidden up there.
(c) Old bookie books.
(d) Old furniture that he is planning to refinish.

15. What does Harold say is his hobby?
(a) He is a sports buff.
(b) He is a stamp collector.
(c) He is a furniture refinisher.
(d) He is an avid fisherman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rosemary do when she is as angry as Sequoyah has ever seen?

2. What is George afraid of when he learns to drive?

3. What does Sequoyah do to his hair after Rosemary dies?

4. Where did Harold's dad take him when Harold was young?

5. What food does Rosemary put into a bag one Saturday morning when she asks Sequoyah to come with her?

(see the answer keys)

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