Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Where the Dead Sit Talking Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Brandon Hobson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 168 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sequoyah stop seeing his counselor, Karen?
(a) Because she makes a pass at him and it makes him uncomfortable.
(b) Because Sequoyah is mad at her because she asks too many questions.
(c) Because counseling stops working and brings him no peace.
(d) Because Sequoyah gets sick and can not attend his sessions.

2. What year of high school is Rosemary in when Sequoyah goes to live with the Troutts?
(a) Senior.
(b) Junior.
(c) Freshman.
(d) Sophomore.

3. How does Agnes react to Sequoyah?
(a) She starts ordering him to do chores as soon as he gets there.
(b) She hugs him over and over.
(c) She is obsessed with the scars on his face.
(d) She tries to make him feel welcome.

4. What does Milosz make for Sequoyah?
(a) Paper birds.
(b) Watercolor pictures.
(c) Bead necklaces.
(d) Pajama tops.

5. What is the translation for faworki?
(a) Moonlight.
(b) Cat hair.
(c) Snow birds.
(d) Angel wings.

6. What happens to Sequoyah after he helps Nora Drake and Rosemary do the chore they asked him to do?
(a) He hits his foot with the shovel and breaks two bones.
(b) He slips and hits his head on a rock.
(c) He runs away and gets lost.
(d) He gets hit by a car when he walks away from them.

7. What does Rosemary let Sequoyah watch her do?
(a) Pee.
(b) Sketch.
(c) Exercise.
(d) Undress.

8. What activity did kids sometimes do at backyard birthday parties?
(a) They bobbed for dead snakes in a tub instead of bobbing for apples.
(b) They played spin the bottle.
(c) The pinned the tail on the donkey.
(d) They hit a pinata that was shaped to look like a pig.

9. How does Rosemary say she knew that Sequoyah was coming?
(a) She read it in her tea leaves.
(b) Sequoyah's social worker had written her a letter and told her.
(c) The spirits told her in a dream.
(d) She saw a sign in the sky.

10. What worry did Sequoyah have when he sees Rosemary coming upstairs his first night at the Troutts?
(a) That the family had been talking about him in his absence.
(b) That he had missed playing an after-dinner game of Scrabble.
(c) That the family was going to abandon him alone in the house.
(d) That Rosemary had been spying on him.

11. How does Rosemary react to Sequoyah?
(a) She acts totally disinterested.
(b) She feels an immediate attraction.
(c) She starts laughing uncontrollably.
(d) She is repelled by the scars on his face.

12. Which of the following does Monfiore NOT do?
(a) Say he and Sequoyah are dying.
(b) Shoot heroin every 12 hours.
(c) Huff paint behind the woodshed.
(d) Eat cockroaches for a dollar.

13. How does Nora Drake die?
(a) Of suicide.
(b) Of injuries from a car accident.
(c) Of cancer.
(d) Of strangulation.

14. After Sequoyah is kicked out of the foster home before the Troutts, who does he go home with?
(a) A teenaged prostitute named Lula.
(b) An old woman with gray hair and rings on her fingers.
(c) An elderly man with a cane who needed help walking.
(d) A dark-haired man in his thirties with a dog.

15. What does Agnes do each night before the family eats dinner?
(a) She washes the table two times.
(b) She prays out loud.
(c) She recites the menu.
(d) She puts out a vase of flowers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rosemary's father do for fun?

2. What is the floor of the shed made of?

3. How are Sequoyah and his great-grandfather alike?

4. At lunch on his first day of school, what does Sequoyah hear a girl talking about doing?

5. What does Rosemary do with the boy in the woods?

(see the answer keys)

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