When the Legends Die Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom Black Bull is left with the horses when his instructor buys a pickup and trailer, then goes to do what?

2. What differs between horses that Tom Black Bull rode on the sagebrush range and those that he rides on the new spread?

3. Blue Elk talks Tom Black Bull into doing what with the bear cub?

4. When his plowing fails, Tom Black Bull is next set to task as what?

5. After Tom Black Bull escapes the school, what old Indian tracker is sent with Benny Grayback to find him?

Short Essay Questions

1. What transpires between Bessie Black Bull and Ute Indian women from the reservation regarding Blue Elk and his thievery?

2. What is Tom Black's intent regarding rebuilding his muscles following his Madison Square Garden fall?

3. What is life like when Red Dillon and Tom Black Bull work the Oklahoma panhandle and eastern New Mexico in the spring, and Colorado the following autumn?

4. How does the theme of the roundness of all life unfold through Bessie Black Bull?

5. Why do Mary Redmond and Tom Black run opposed to each other?

6. How is the bear cub freed, and how is Tom Black Bull returned to the agency school?

7. Bessie Black Bull is concerned in reference to what Jim Thatcher told her at the store about them no longer searching for George. What does she do?

8. Why is the reservation school unsuccessful in teaching Tom Black Bull how to plow fields?

9. What does the introductory poem to "When the Legends Die" summarize?

10. What does Blue Elk do in his attempt to trick Tom Black Bull to return with him to the school?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Early in the book the reader learns the Utes are quite resourceful, and they approach life in a very practical fashion. When the farming methods taught them by the white man fail due to drought, they revert to their 'old ways', which are clearly in concert with nature. Contrast the approach of the white man to life with the 'old ways' handed down to Tom Black Bull by his parents.

Essay Topic 2

Roundness of life is a significant theme in this story. It unfolds through Bessie Black Bull, who maintains the 'old ways' and instructs them to Tom. What is it the reader learns to look for with this theme? How does the concept of continuation within all life tie in with this 'roundness' theme? Detail the method Bessie uses to teach this intrinsic truth concerning nature.

Essay Topic 3

Blue Elk is an antagonist. He is a corrupted bridge linking the white and Ute worlds. Examine Blue Elk's responsibility for a significant amount of the misunderstanding and miscommunication between these two cultures. How does Blue Elk use his command of both languages to take advantage of the Ute Indians who do not speak English, and the white people who do not speak Ute? How does he exploit the greed of the white man? How does he exploit the Ute sense of justice and honesty? How is Blue Elk a twisted, unscrupulous variant of both the white man and the Ute Indian?

(see the answer keys)

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