When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapter 38 | Part 3, Chapter 39.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sort of lodge does George Black Bull build when snow begins to show in the mountains?
(a) Peaked like the mountain caps.
(b) In a cave behind brush and stones.
(c) A conical teepee made of animal skins.
(d) Round like the sun and path of the stars.

2. Why do Tom Black Bull and his teacher bother to make the four-day ride just for the rodeo at Bernalillo?
(a) For the experience of riding Mexican horses.
(b) The rodeo there pays more than at other places.
(c) Tom stands a better chance of winning, as the rodeo is very small.
(d) So they will not be recognized and can pull a con.

3. What is the name of the Mexican ex-bronco rider who now cooks at Tom Black Bull's new residence?
(a) Meo.
(b) Francisco.
(c) Diego.
(d) Angelo.

4. When Tom Black Bull is entered in the first rodeo in Aztec, what is he instructed to do?
(a) Ride without getting hurt.
(b) Ride in a betting scam.
(c) Win each ride.
(d) Ride hard, but honestly.

5. When Tom Black Bull grabs the saddle to steady himself on one bronco, he is chewed out for not riding what?
(a) Sharp.
(b) Smooth.
(c) Smart.
(d) Clean.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom Black Bull tells Benny Grayback that he will agree to acclimate under what condition?

2. What is Bessie's response to the situation her man has gotten into?

3. Tom Black faces a crossroads following his Madison Square Garden rodeo ride; one that starts where?

4. What do the beans being choked by the weeds represent?

5. If you include the one killed in Aztec, which is not in the records, Tom Black determines he has killed how many horses before his ride in Madison Square Garden?

(see the answer key)

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