When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapter 24 | Part 3, Chapter 25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is called to interpret for Tom Black Bull because he speaks only Ute?
(a) Albert Left Hand.
(b) Charles Huckleberry.
(c) Benny Grayback.
(d) Blue Elk.

2. What is Blue Elk impressed to learn about Tom Black Bull?
(a) He has lived alone in the 'old ways' for two years.
(b) He brings the 'old way' out of Blue Elk by singing.
(c) He knows the 'old ways' have no end.
(d) He knows how to sing in the 'old ways' alone.

3. What do Bessie and Tom Black Bull gather willow shoots and other plants for?
(a) Lodge insulation.
(b) Winter fires.
(c) Winter basketry.
(d) Lodge mats.

4. What does the gold prospector do the morning after Bear's Brother spies him along the stream?
(a) He shoots the she-bear and a cub.
(b) He traps one of the cubs.
(c) He shoots the she-bear and traps a cub.
(d) He shoots one of the bear cubs.

5. When Tom Black Bull is entered in the first rodeo in Aztec, what is he instructed to do?
(a) Ride without getting hurt.
(b) Win each ride.
(c) Ride hard, but honestly.
(d) Ride in a betting scam.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tom Black Bull is taken to his new dormitory room to get what?

2. What does Tom Black Bull do to relieve his anger when Red Dillon enters him into rodeo bronco riding competitions to cheat?

3. In what way is the gold prospector injured?

4. In addition to assisting ewes and lambs through the difficulty of birth, Tom Black Bull helps protect against what?

5. Who is it that tracks the few Utes who have left the reservation to their camp?

(see the answer key)

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