When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapter 24 | Part 3, Chapter 25.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In addition to warmth, why does Bessie Black Bull give her son a red blanket?
(a) Red is the color for protection.
(b) Red is the color for trust.
(c) Red is the color for courage.
(d) Red is the color for honor.

2. How does Tom Black Bull share part of his deer kill?
(a) With Blue Elk.
(b) With Jim Thatcher.
(c) With a bear.
(d) With the sheriff.

3. When Tom Black Bull realizes he has been betrayed by Blue Elk, what does he fight for?
(a) The life of his spirit and freedom.
(b) The duration of his pride.
(c) His anger and frustration.
(d) The endurance of his spirit and frustration.

4. What does the bear cub that Tom Black Bull takes care of represent?
(a) Tom's communion with the wilderness.
(b) Tom's 'old way' spirit.
(c) Tom's communion with his parents' spirits.
(d) Tom's communion with nature.

5. The main character, a Ute boy, first learns the Indian legends, keeps them alive, and then lives with white men. What happens to him, ultimately?
(a) The white man's ways gradually fade the 'old ways' from memory.
(b) His 'old ways are integrated with his new life.
(c) He absorbs the white man's ways, and forever forgets the 'old ways'.
(d) The 'old ways' are driven from his life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it that Tom Black Bull admires for sale in a store window when he arrives in Bayfield with Albert Left Hand?

2. Tom Black Bull tells the Mexican ex-bronco rider that he feels powerless at this point in his life, except for when?

3. The Mexican ex-bronco rider that now cooks is correct when he says what?

4. Tom Black Bull is taken to his new dormitory room to get what?

5. When late March arrives, Tom Black Bull knows the time has come for what?

(see the answer key)

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