When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 1, Chapter 12 | Part 2, Chapter 13.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Blue Elk sees Bessie Black Bull leaving the store on her second trip and steals what from her?
(a) All but a small basket.
(b) All but her clothing.
(c) All but the red coat for Tom.
(d) All but the blue coat for Tom.

2. Twisted in spirit by first learning as a boy, then in young adulthood trying to kill memories and old influences, what happens to Tom?
(a) He makes the trek without building any legends.
(b) He builds his own false legends as he goes.
(c) False legends arise, but he is able to remain focused.
(d) He makes the transition integrating the legends.

3. What is Blue Elk impressed to learn about Tom Black Bull?
(a) He has lived alone in the 'old ways' for two years.
(b) He brings the 'old way' out of Blue Elk by singing.
(c) He knows how to sing in the 'old ways' alone.
(d) He knows the 'old ways' have no end.

4. What do George and Bessie Black Bull opt for when the white man's method of support fails?
(a) Smoking coyotes and fish they do not eat.
(b) Smoking sheep and fish they do not eat.
(c) Smoking venison and fish they do not eat.
(d) Smoking cattle and fish they do not eat.

5. What is Bessie Black Bull relieved about upon her return to the mountains following her second trip to Jim Thatcher's store?
(a) The problem concerning Frank No Deer is resolved.
(b) Bear's Brother will be going to the white man's school.
(c) She and her son can return to the Southern Ute reservation.
(d) Her son will be going to the white man's school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens with George Black Bull's body?

2. When the first frost arrives, Bessie examines the pine nuts, acorns, and fish they have and decides what?

3. George and Bessie Black Bull are compelled to work where for the white man?

4. Blue Elk talks Tom Black Bull into doing what with the bear cub?

5. What does the bear cub that Tom Black Bull takes care of represent?

(see the answer key)

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