When the Legends Die Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Legends Die Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Hal Borland
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapter 32 | Part 3, Chapter 33.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. His second July riding big rodeos, Tom Black Bull's wild horse smashes into the gate and causes what injuries?
(a) Breaks the horse's neck and Tom's arm.
(b) Pierces the horse's chest, breaks Tom's arm and ribs.
(c) Pierces the horse's chest, breaks Tom's arm and leg.
(d) Pierces the horse's chest, breaks Tom's leg and ribs.

2. Why do Tom Black Bull and his teacher bother to make the four-day ride just for the rodeo at Bernalillo?
(a) So they will not be recognized and can pull a con.
(b) Tom stands a better chance of winning, as the rodeo is very small.
(c) The rodeo there pays more than at other places.
(d) For the experience of riding Mexican horses.

3. When Tom Black Bull lets some animals get ill eating green corn, he is put back in the barn for how long before he goes to the horses?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 1 month.
(c) 1 week.
(d) 3 weeks.

4. Upon returning to the ranch to recover a second time, Tom Black Bull learns what about the Mexican ex-bronco rider?
(a) He decided to commit suicide by gunshot.
(b) He broke his neck falling from a horse.
(c) He decided to die in his sleep.
(d) He drowned attempting a rescue in a flooded stream.

5. How do Tom Black Bull and his teacher later force a Mexican shepherd to make them food?
(a) Under threat of punching.
(b) Under threat of clubbing.
(c) At gunpoint.
(d) At knifepoint.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many baskets does Bessie Black Bull trade for an ax, ammunition, a hunting knife, and candy at Jim Thatcher's store?

2. Blue Elk tracks Bear's Brother to his mountain lodge, and upon looking around is reminded of whom?

3. When Jim Thatcher tells Bessie Black Bull that Frank No Deer's death was self-defense, what does she do?

4. What is Blue Elk impressed to learn about Tom Black Bull?

5. What do Bessie and Tom Black Bull gather willow shoots and other plants for?

(see the answer key)

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