When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Medium

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When You Trap a Tiger Test | Final Test - Medium

Tae Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Sam feel responsible for Halmoni's collapse?
(a) She wished that her grandmother would die soon.
(b) She caused a commotion by yelling at Lily.
(c) She never wanted to come to Sunbeam in the first place.
(d) Her behavior has caused stress for both her mother and Halmoni.

2. What is Sam doing at the window in the middle of the night at the beginning of Chapter 26?
(a) Getting ready to drop a rope out.
(b) Watching the stars.
(c) Signaling to a friend outside.
(d) Tossing her backpack out.

3. What does Lily decide to make in the middle of the night in Chapter 45?
(a) Rice cakes.
(b) Sweet and sour chicken.
(c) Kimchi.
(d) Kalbi.

4. When Lily goes down to see the tiger at the end of Chapter 33, what does she find?
(a) The tiger will no longer talk to her.
(b) The tiger is not there.
(c) Halmoni has taken the boxes back upstairs.
(d) Joan is waiting for her.

5. When the tiger is done telling her second story, what aspect of it bothers Lily?
(a) The older sister's failure to protect her younger sister.
(b) The sky god's failure to make the girl fully human.
(c) The separation of the sisters.
(d) The loss of the pearl pendant.

Short Answer Questions

1. What detail in Lily's story in Chapter 43 lets the reader know that it is set in modern times?

2. What does Lily have to substitute for bean paste in her rice cakes?

3. When Lily comes upstairs in Chapter 35, what does she see Halmoni doing?

4. Besides Japan, which other country does Halmoni say did bad things to Korea?

5. What does Halmoni tell Lily when Lily says that she can save Halmoni?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 34, what does Lily find out about Ricky's mother and how she is connected to his failure to work hard getting ready for his language arts test?

2. Even if the stories did not make Halmoni's physical illness go away, in what sense have they healed her?

3. When Lily sees the tiger at the library, what does the tiger say she got wrong about Lily, and what is Lily's response?

4. When Lily and Sam are talking in Chapter 33, what does Sam say that causes Lily to tell her to "knock on wood," and why does Sam refuse to do this (226)?

5. When Lily returns to Halmoni's hospital room in Chapter 42, what does Halmoni tell Lily about her own mother and about Lily also seeing her?

6. In Chapter 39, what does Sam confess to Lily about her response to their father's death?

7. Why does Lily want to throw away the rice cakes before even baking them, and how does Ricky convince her not to?

8. In Chapter 26, why does Sam not tell Joan when she catches Lily sneaking downstairs in the middle of the night?

9. In Chapter 41, what realization does Lily come to about the tiger's identity, and what clues help her figure it out?

10. How does the story that Lily tells in Chapter 43 change Halmoni's original tiger story to reflect Lily's new understanding of her family?

(see the answer keys)

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