When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Years later what does Christopher recognize about the plump-faced man?
(a) His face.
(b) His cap, gown and pigtail.
(c) His smile.
(d) The cigar he smokes.

2. How does Christopher describe the atmosphere at breakfast on the days of the campaign meetings.
(a) Anxious.
(b) Odd.
(c) Pleased.
(d) Excited.

3. Where does Christopher keep his newspaper photograph of Wang Ku?
(a) In his scrapbook.
(b) In his wallet.
(c) In a cigar box.
(d) In his icebox.

4. What does Uncle Philip do every time Christopher visits his office?
(a) Uncle Philip takes Christopher out for ice cream.
(b) Uncle Philip allows Christopher to drink a little whisky.
(c) Uncle Philip gives Christopher a present.
(d) Uncle Philip acts very "put-off" with Christopher.

5. Upon his return, how does Akira respond to Christopher's questions about his experiences in Japan?
(a) Akira persuades Christopher it would be childish to discuss such matters.
(b) Akira goes on and on with his many stories until Christopher is quite bored.
(c) Akira is silent.
(d) Akira recounts a bitter tale of his alienation from the boys in the Nagasaki school.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the time and place of Part II?

2. How do Akira and Christopher dress when they play outside?

3. Whom does Christopher discover waiting for him when he arrives outside the Meredith Foundation dinner?

4. Christopher has an argument over the pronunciation of which English expression?

5. Who first tells Christopher about Jennifer?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Jennifer's nanny selected?

2. Describe Sir Cecil Medhurst's speech at the Meredith Foundation Dinner.

3. What does Sarah tell Christopher about marriage?

4. Describe the game Christopher and Akira invent.

5. Describe Christopher's residence in 1937.

6. Who is the plump-faced man in Christopher's newspaper photograph?

7. What is the "dining room episode?"

8. How does Sarah Hemmings treat Christopher at the Mayfair flat?

9. How is Christopher's relationship with Mei Li transformed by his mother's abduction?

10. Describe two examples of what Christopher refers to as "someone disapproving him and only just managing to conceal it."

(see the answer keys)

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