When We Were Orphans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Were Orphans Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can the police not send someone with Christopher to the blind man's house?
(a) The police do not trust Christopher.
(b) The police are afraid of the neighborhood.
(c) The police are working for the mob.
(d) The police are short on men.

2. Why does Christopher's driver stop when they are looking for the blind actor's house?
(a) The car runs out of gas.
(b) The car is hit by a rocket.
(c) Christopher's driver turns out to be a spy.
(d) Christopher and the driver come upon the war zone.

3. What is the cause of the explosion that rocks the ball room while Grayson and Christopher are speaking?
(a) A Chinese warship is firing shells.
(b) A Japanese warship is firing shells.
(c) An American warship is firing shells.
(d) Someone has bombed the British Embassy.

4. What are the date and location of Part VI?
(a) Ocboter 29, 1937, Shanghai.
(b) October 29, 1937, London.
(c) October 20, 1937, Shanghai.
(d) October 20, 1937, London.

5. What case does Christopher ask Kung about?
(a) The Wu Cheng Lou Shooting Incident.
(b) The Red Square Massacre.
(c) The Foon Chow Fat Poisoning.
(d) The Yellow Snake Killings.

6. Where does the girl urge Christopher to go?
(a) To the city center.
(b) To the police station.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) Into the house.

7. What do the Japanese soldiers do with Christopher?
(a) The soldiers beat Christopher up.
(b) The soldiers take Christopher to their camp and take care of him.
(c) The soldiers give Christopher a shot of whisky from a flask.
(d) The soldiers arrest Christopher.

8. What does Kung remember about the house his men could not gain entry to?
(a) Kung fails to remember anything.
(b) Kung remembers it was yellow.
(c) Kung remembers there was a maple tree in the front yard.
(d) Kung remembers the house burned down years ago.

9. What is Sir Cecil's state of mind at the Lucky Chance Club?
(a) Sir Cecil is quite inebriated.
(b) Sir Cecil is very energetic.
(c) Sir Cecil is perfectly lucid.
(d) Sir Cecil is high on opium.

10. Who does the Japanese soldier Christopher come upon turn out to be?
(a) A spy for Yellow Snake.
(b) A Chinese spy.
(c) Akira.
(d) An Englishman.

11. What is Morgan's manner like when he and Christopher meet?
(a) Morgan is scattered.
(b) Morgan is fighting back tears.
(c) Morgan is comfortable.
(d) Morgan is urgent in a nonchalant way.

12. How old is Jennifer at the end of the book?
(a) Twenty-seven.
(b) Thirty-one.
(c) Twenty-one.
(d) Eighteen.

13. What are Christopher's thoughts about Sarah at the end of the book?
(a) Christopher believes Sarah realized her dreams.
(b) Christopher is unconvinced Sarah found what she was looking for.
(c) Christopher believes Sarah always loved him.
(d) Christopher believes Sarah became Wang Ku's concubine.

14. How does Christopher feel before Uncle Philip tells him what happened to his mother?
(a) As though he were about to ride an enormous rollercoaster.
(b) As though he were about to fall off a cliff.
(c) As though a vast black space had opened up behind him.
(d) As though a gun had been put in his mouth.

15. How does Christopher's morning meeting with MacDonald go?
(a) Christopher is very late for the meeting.
(b) The meeting goes swimmingly.
(c) Christopher detects a mysterious undertone to the meeting.
(d) Christopher mishandles the meeting.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the truth about Christopher's mother?

2. Who turns out to be the senior intelligence man?

3. According to Sir Cecil, for what do people often mistake Sarah?

4. How does Christopher behave the morning after Sarah's invitation?

5. Where does Christopher find Inspector Kung?

(see the answer keys)

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