When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Christopher discover when he returns home?
(a) Christopher discover his house has been burned to the ground.
(b) Christopher discovers his father has returned home.
(c) Christopher discovers Akira waiting for him.
(d) Christopher discovers his mother has been abducted.

2. What does Jennifer just barely avoid knocking over?
(a) A lamp.
(b) A flower pot.
(c) The coffee table.
(d) The display cabinet.

3. What does Roger Brenthurst say about Christopher in high school?
(a) He says Christopher is too poor to be a Sherlock.
(b) He says Christopher is too short to be a Sherlock.
(c) He says Christopher is too fat to be a Sherlock.
(d) He says Christopher is too irresponsible to be a Sherlock.

4. According to Chamberlain, what will happen to young Christopher if he remains in Shanghai much longer?
(a) Christopher will turn into a Chinaman.
(b) Christopher will forget how to speak English.
(c) Christopher start smoking opium.
(d) Christopher will be abducted himself.

5. Years later what does Christopher recognize about the plump-faced man?
(a) The cigar he smokes.
(b) His smile.
(c) His face.
(d) His cap, gown and pigtail.

6. How does Christopher describe Miss Givens's smiles?
(a) Penetrating.
(b) Coy.
(c) Unrevealing.
(d) Insinuating.

7. Where does Christopher keep his newspaper photograph of Wang Ku?
(a) In his scrapbook.
(b) In his wallet.
(c) In a cigar box.
(d) In his icebox.

8. Who does Uncle Philip say "is about as English as they come?"
(a) Christopher's mother.
(b) Philip himself.
(c) Christopher.
(d) Christopher's father.

9. What is the time and place of Part II?
(a) Shanghai, 15th May 1931.
(b) London, 15th May 1931.
(c) Shanghai, 8th November 1912.
(d) London, 8th November 1937.

10. What composer's music underscores Christopher and Sarah's conversation at the end of the Foundation dinner?
(a) Mozart.
(b) Haydn.
(c) Beethoven.
(d) Bach.

11. How does Christopher get back to his house?
(a) Christopher hails a taxi.
(b) Christopher rides his bicycle.
(c) Christopher walks.
(d) Christopher runs home.

12. Christopher has an argument over the pronunciation of which English expression?
(a) Mate.
(b) Old chap.
(c) Governor.
(d) Boss.

13. What areas of Shanghai is young Christopher forbidden to enter?
(a) The American areas.
(b) The English areas.
(c) The Japanese areas.
(d) The Chinese areas.

14. What kind of establishment is the Dorchester?
(a) A quaint tea room.
(b) A very fancy restaurant.
(c) A public house.
(d) A modest inn.

15. What is the shape of Christopher's London home in Part III?
(a) Cozy and dark.
(b) Tall and wide.
(c) Tall and narrow.
(d) Short and wide.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take Christopher to unravel the mystery of Charles Emory's death?

2. How does Christopher feel about Uncle Philip?

3. What kind of tree rises out of the mound in Christopher's garden in Shanghai?

4. What does Christopher remember about Uncle Philip on the day of the plump-faced man's visit?

5. What does Christopher overhear one day while working on his lessons with Mei Li in the library?

(see the answer keys)

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