When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Were Orphans Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Uncle Philip do every time Christopher visits his office?
(a) Uncle Philip allows Christopher to drink a little whisky.
(b) Uncle Philip gives Christopher a present.
(c) Uncle Philip takes Christopher out for ice cream.
(d) Uncle Philip acts very "put-off" with Christopher.

2. What does Akira believe Ling Tien's passion to be?
(a) Selling children into slavery.
(b) Turning severed hands into spiders.
(c) Playing cricket.
(d) Luring children into his room and turning them into monkies.

3. Who first tells Christopher about Jennifer?
(a) Mrs. Givens.
(b) Lady Beaton.
(c) Colonel Chamberlain.
(d) Sarah Hemmings.

4. What does Jennifer just barely avoid knocking over?
(a) The display cabinet.
(b) A flower pot.
(c) The coffee table.
(d) A lamp.

5. How does Christopher remember Uncle Philip's office?
(a) Christopher remembers it to be very small.
(b) Christopher remembers it to be very ramshakle.
(c) Christopher remembers it to be very tidy.
(d) Christopher remembers it to be very large.

6. What is the subject of Sir Cecil's speech?
(a) The opium trade in China.
(b) Organized crime in London.
(c) The Great War.
(d) Economic prosperity in Britain.

7. What is Christopher's initial response to the plump-faced man?
(a) The plump-faced man fills Christopher with pity.
(b) The plump-faced man captures Christopher's rapt attention.
(c) The plump-faced man fills Christopher with fear.
(d) The plump-faced man does not much excite Christopher's interest.

8. What kind of establishment is the Dorchester?
(a) A public house.
(b) A modest inn.
(c) A very fancy restaurant.
(d) A quaint tea room.

9. What does the event Osbourne takes Christopher to turn out to be?
(a) A trap.
(b) A major disappointment.
(c) An enchanting evening.
(d) A secret meeting.

10. According to Osbourne, Christopher always used to quiz him about what?
(a) Osbourne's study regimen.
(b) Osbourne's being "well-connected."
(c) Osbourne's diet.
(d) Osbourne's romantic conquests.

11. Whom does Christopher glimpse while enjoying tea and scones at the Waldorf Hotel?
(a) His mother.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Jennifer.
(d) Inspector Kung.

12. What is the second question Christopher asks Sir Cecil?
(a) Christopher asks if Sir Cecil would like his assistance in solving the mystery of his disappearing cigar box.
(b) Christopher asks how Sir Cecil met Sarah.
(c) Christopher asks whether Sir Cecil happened to meet Akira.
(d) Christopher asks whether Sir Cecil would like a drink from his flask.

13. According to Akira, why do Christopher's parents stop speaking to one another?
(a) Because Christopher is "not enough Englishman."
(b) Because Christopher's mother objects to her husband's work.
(c) Because Akira is "not enough Japanese."
(d) Because Christopher's parents have hurt each other's feelings.

14. What is the first question Christopher asks Sir Cecil?
(a) Christopher asks if he has spent any time recently in Shanghai.
(b) Christopher asks him if he knows Sarah Hemmings.
(c) Christopher asks him if he has any crimes that need to be solved.
(d) Christopher asks him if he has a drink.

15. What composer's music underscores Christopher and Sarah's conversation at the end of the Foundation dinner?
(a) Bach.
(b) Haydn.
(c) Beethoven.
(d) Mozart.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Chamberlain, what will happen to young Christopher if he remains in Shanghai much longer?

2. What does Christopher's mother call the plump-faced man?

3. What is the shape of Christopher's London home in Part III?

4. What is the Banks' "library" like?

5. Who does young Christopher see being very familiar with the plump-faced man?

(see the answer keys)

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