When We Cease to Understand the World Character Descriptions

Benjamin Labatut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When We Cease to Understand the World Character Descriptions

Benjamin Labatut
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Fritz Haber

This person was a Jewish chemist who helped created the process that allowed factories to pull nitrogen directly out of the air for use as fertilizer. In the book, the portrayal of his character closely follows the life he led.

Karl Schwarzschild

This person was a prominent German physicist. In the book, his character is fleshed out with fictional details.

Alexander Grothendieck

This person was a well-known German mathematician. In the book, his character is used as an example of the relationship between madness and genius.

Erwin Schrödinger

This person was a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who made contributions to quantum theory. In the book, his character’s discoveries are inspired by an unhealthy interest in a 16-year old girl.

Werner Heisenberg

This person was a scientist who was a pioneer of quantum mechanics. In the book, his character was portrayed as having an intense competition with...

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