When the Moon Was Ours Test | Final Test - Medium

McLemore, Anna-Marie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Moon Was Ours Test | Final Test - Medium

McLemore, Anna-Marie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Aracely tell Miel she conspired to have done in the town?
(a) The houses rebuilt.
(b) The animals saved.
(c) The pumpkins burned.
(d) The water tower taken down.

2. What kind of pumpkin does Miel set in the water?
(a) An Estrella.
(b) A Cinderella.
(c) A Lumina.
(d) An Early Girl.

3. Why does Sam decide not to go through with the lovesickness cure after all?
(a) It is his, and he wants it.
(b) Aracely actually decides not to finish the cure.
(c) He is afraid.
(d) It is too painful of a process.

4. What color eggs does Aracely use in Sam's cure?
(a) Just red.
(b) White and green.
(c) Black and yellow.
(d) Blue and green.

5. How does Miel's mother really die?
(a) She dies trying to save Miel and Leandro.
(b) She dies when a spell she is casting goes wrong.
(c) She dies in a car accident.
(d) She dies of a heart attack.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Miel suddenly realize about Aracely in Part IV?

2. What does Ivy do to Miel again in the section "Lake of Sorrows"?

3. What was the source of Miel's magic, according to Aracely?

4. What had Sam once done to Miel's skin that she loved?

5. What does Sam do in Part III that is really dangerous?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Miel realize the water did to Leandro that it did not do to her?

2. What was Miel doing with her roses before the Bonners started stealing them?

3. After Miel tells Sam they should not be together romantically, what does Sam do?

4. Why does Miel tell Sam they cannot be together romantically?

5. What happens to Miel at the lighting?

6. What does Miel tell Aracely she wants to do for the first time ever in Part IV?

7. What does Miel finally remember about her mother and father in Part IV?

8. How has Sam helped Peyton Bonner in the past?

9. Why is Miel actually not in school in Part III?

10. What happens to Miel's rose in Part III in the river?

(see the answer keys)

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