When the Lion Feeds Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Lion Feeds Test | Final Test - Medium

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sean trying to find in Nova Sofala?
(a) A priest to marry Mbejane and a native girl.
(b) A priest to marry him and Katrina.
(c) A buyer for the ivory.
(d) A doctor for Katrina when she delivers the baby.

2. Why is Sean in such a rage when he reaches Candy's Deep the day of the cave in?
(a) He's been drinking, and he's angry with Mbejane.
(b) He's lost a lot of money in the exchange.
(c) He had an argument with another man at the exchange.
(d) He's been drinking, and he is upset about Duff and Candy's engagement.

3. Why does Sean invite Curtis and Francois out for drinks after Duff has been gone for a while?
(a) He's bored without Duff around.
(b) He's looking to start a new business venture.
(c) He heard rumors about them.
(d) He wants to tell them Hradsky is after their stake.

4. What happens between Jan and Sean during dinner?
(a) Jan apologizes for attempting to take Sean's camp.
(b) They get into another argument.
(c) Sean invites Jan to go hunting.
(d) They compete over eating to see who can eat more.

5. Where does Sean's family arrive at after leaving the Limpopo river?
(a) Ladyburg.
(b) Johannesburg.
(c) Pretoria.
(d) Louis Trichardt.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sean get trapped in the mine?

2. Why doesn't Sean shoot Duff when he realizes Duff is rabid?

3. What does the doctor say is wrong with Katrina at the end of the book?

4. What does Katrina do that impresses Sean?

5. When do Sean and Duff realize they've been had?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sean need to bring a priest back to the camp so quickly?

2. Katrina is wrong about what she thinks is going on between Sean and Candy. How could she find out what is really going on?

3. Describe the actions leading up to Sean's attack. Should he have tried to save the dogs or should he have tried to escape?

4. Sean is relieved after the takeover. Why?

5. Why doesn't Hlubi want to leave the mountain village with Sean? What reason does he give, and what is the real reason?

6. How does the Christmas celebration in Chapter 24 differ from the previous year?

7. Describe Duff's reaction to the rabid jackal attack?

8. Should Sean or Duff seriously consider building a collaboration with Hradsky in Chapter 23?

9. Duff and Sean didn't believe Max when he first approached them in Chapter 28. What factors influence them and make them change their mind?

10. Why does Sean return so quickly to Candy's Deep alone in Chapter 21?

(see the answer keys)

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