When the Lion Feeds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Lion Feeds Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wilbur Smith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Duff cover the cost of the equipment he's purchased when the claims deal falls through?
(a) He releases some of the servants to free up cash.
(b) He borrows money from Hradsky.
(c) He gets a note of credit from the bank.
(d) He steals the money he needs from neighboring claims.

2. New Years Day is a double celebration in Ladyburg for what reason?
(a) They are also celebrating new town members.
(b) They are celebrating the men going off to war.
(c) They are dedicating a new town center.
(d) They are celebrating a marriage.

3. What sends Garrick back into a delirious fog?
(a) Infection in his new leg.
(b) The fear of falling out of bed.
(c) The fear of falling off his peg leg.
(d) Pain as he puts on his new leg.

4. Where does Duff take Sean to get his mind off things when he wants to quit?
(a) He takes him out into the wilderness to relax.
(b) He takes him back home for a visit.
(c) He treats him with a stay at the hotel.
(d) To get drunk at the Opera House, a local cat house.

5. How does Duff decide to earn the extra money they need?
(a) Auction off equipment.
(b) Sell extra equipment.
(c) Hold a heavyweight fight.
(d) Ask more people for loans.

6. Where is the last place Sean visits before leaving Ladyburg?
(a) He goes to the local tavern.
(b) He goes back to Theunis Kraal one more time.
(c) He goes to Audrey's house.
(d) He goes to visit Mr. Pye at the bank.

7. What was Duff's title?
(a) First Baron of Roxby.
(b) Fifteenth Baron of Roxby.
(c) Sixteenth Baron of Roxby.
(d) Seventh Baron of Roxby.

8. What ulterior motive does Anna have for visiting Garrick?
(a) She missed him and his brother.
(b) She is pregnant and alone.
(c) She is looking for Sean.
(d) She wants him to loan her money.

9. How was Sean ambushed during the Chelmsford campaign?
(a) He was scouting ahead looking for cattle.
(b) He was searching for water.
(c) He was lured by a small party of Zulu warriors.
(d) He was tricked by Mbejane.

10. In what new venture do Dufford and Sean have a fifty-fifty partnership?
(a) Mining for gold.
(b) Farming.
(c) Cattle herding.
(d) Mining for diamonds.

11. Who attends Anna and Garrick's wedding?
(a) No one.
(b) Friends and family.
(c) Anna's family.
(d) Ada.

12. Who do Sean and Duff meet along the way that owes Duff a debt?
(a) Alexander Smith.
(b) Candy Rautenbach.
(c) Norman Hradsky.
(d) Francois du Toit.

13. Who does Duff ask to marry him?
(a) Beth.
(b) Candy.
(c) Audrey.
(d) Anna.

14. Who does Sean visit right away upon his return home?
(a) Local farmers in order to accommodate the cattle he brought back.
(b) Garrick and Anna.
(c) Ada and Audrey.
(d) Mr. Pye.

15. How does the orderly officer react when the Ladyburg Mounted Rifles show up at the battle site?
(a) He sends them to the backlines so they won't be in danger.
(b) He sends them up far off to the side behind the engineers so the General does not see them.
(c) He puts them up front in the line of battle.
(d) He sends them away.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the convoy Duff returns with?

2. What does Hradsky call the men together to discuss?

3. What does Sean make everyone do before attacking the people trespassing on their stake?

4. Where does Garrick regain consciousness?

5. Why does Garrick ask Anna to marry him?

(see the answer keys)

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