When the Emperor Was Divine: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Julie Otsuka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Emperor Was Divine: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Julie Otsuka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the father at this point in time?
(a) He is at home.
(b) He has been sent to Japan.
(c) He is working in New York.
(d) He is still incarcerated.

2. Because his father is listed as a dangerous enemy alien, the boy envisions him as ___________________.
(a) a Russian.
(b) a space creature.
(c) a spy.
(d) an Old West outlaw.

3. Why is the family afraid to sleep in the house?
(a) There is no privacy as all the drapes have been stolen.
(b) The locks on the doors are all gone.
(c) They think someone will come to harm them.
(d) They have heard about a rash of burglaries in the area.

4. The father sarcastically says that he gave ____________________ to the enemy for free.
(a) U.S. defense maps.
(b) Communication codes.
(c) guns.
(d) Food.

5. What does the father say is what he most wanted to say about everything?
(a) I'm sorry.
(b) You deserved everything you got.
(c) I'd do it again.
(d) We'll get you someday.

6. The boy recalls his father promising to ________________________.
(a) play pitch with him.
(b) take him traveling around the world.
(c) let him mow the grass.
(d) teach him to drive a car.

7. How much money is the family given when released from the internment camp?
(a) $25.
(b) $2500.
(c) $150.
(d) $200.

8. What does the mother try to alter so that her children can wear them?
(a) Men's coats.
(b) Military hats.
(c) Women's slippers.
(d) Adult gloves.

9. The mother reminds the children that many Japanese families have lost their ______________.
(a) clothes.
(b) cars.
(c) homes.
(d) photographs.

10. Why does the family hardly recognize the father when they see him?
(a) He has scars from many beatings.
(b) He is stooped over.
(c) He has a very short haircut.
(d) He is old and frail.

11. Why does the boys' mother leave some clothing of his father's hanging in the closet?
(a) So she would remember to donate it to charity.
(b) So the boy could remember him.
(c) So he would have something to wear when he got home.
(d) So she could feel her husband's spirit in the house.

12. What does someone throw through a window of the house one night?
(a) A brick.
(b) A whiskey bottle.
(c) A rock.
(d) A statue.

13. Where had the boy left his bicycle before leaving home?
(a) In a storage locker.
(b) At the neighbor's house.
(c) In the basement of the house.
(d) Chained to a tree in the backyard.

14. The father sarcastically admits to cutting arrow-shaped swaths through which fields?
(a) Tomato.
(b) Corn.
(c) Pea.
(d) Watermelon.

15. What advice does the boy receive from his father in a letter?
(a) The early bird gets the worm.
(b) It is better to bend than to break.
(c) Stay the course.
(d) Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does the family go in Chapter 4?

2. What happened to the money from the house rental?

3. The father sarcastically admits to stealing ______________________ and selling them to the enemy to melt down for bullets.

4. Where does the boy find his sister in the middle of the night one night?

5. What does the mother caution her children about?

(see the answer keys)

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