When the Emperor Was Divine: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Julie Otsuka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When the Emperor Was Divine: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Julie Otsuka
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the family's experience at Tanforan Racetrack?
(a) The horse stalls had linoleum floors.
(b) The flies were really bad.
(c) They slept on mattresses stuffed with straw.
(d) They ate out of horse troughs.

2. Who is the old woman who sometimes thinks she hears her mother calling her?
(a) Mrs. Takahashi.
(b) Mrs. Satou.
(c) Mrs. Yamamoto.
(d) Mrs. Kato.

3. Who took the boy's father away in the middle of the night?
(a) The local sheriff.
(b) The local police.
(c) The CIA.
(d) The FBI.

4. In which city do the passengers disembark from the train?
(a) Delta, Utah.
(b) Butte, Montana.
(c) Lenexa, Kansas.
(d) Portland, Oregon.

5. In what city does the family live?
(a) Miami, Florida.
(b) Berkeley, California.
(c) San Diego, California.
(d) Portland, Maine.

6. What does a soldier tell the occupants of the train to do while they pass through a town in Nevada?
(a) Sing Japanese songs.
(b) Wave to the townspeople.
(c) Pull down the window shades.
(d) Stop talking.

7. Which religion can the detainees not practice?
(a) Shinto.
(b) Judaism.
(c) Catholicism.
(d) Buddhism.

8. The image on the back of a playing card the girl sees is _____________________.
(a) Yosemite National Park.
(b) The Eiffel Tower.
(c) The Statue of Liberty.
(d) The Grand Canyon.

9. What item does the woman search for in town but all the stores are sold out?
(a) Packing tape.
(b) Garment bags.
(c) Duffel Bags.
(d) Tissue paper.

10. What does the girl remember doing with her father in the early mornings?
(a) Reading the newspaper.
(b) Squeezing fresh orange juice.
(c) Jogging.
(d) Walking the dog.

11. Why does the boy's sister wear a Panama hat?
(a) So people will talk about her.
(b) So her face won't get too tan.
(c) So people won't recognize her.
(d) So she feels very stylish.

12. Who is the only one of his friends who writes to the boy?
(a) Debbie.
(b) Ted.
(c) Elizabeth.
(d) Jimmie.

13. Who is the man with whom the girl talks while waiting in line for the restroom?
(a) Mike Nakamura.
(b) Ted Ishimoto.
(c) Tom Suzuki.
(d) Bill Watanabe.

14. What is the family preparing to do as the story begins?
(a) Move to a new house.
(b) Go on vacation.
(c) Report for internment.
(d) Celebrate the holidays.

15. How do the people in #7 know they are to be relocated?
(a) They got a letter.
(b) There are signs posted.
(c) They are visited by authorities.
(d) They get a telegram.

Short Answer Questions

1. This book is about a ________________________ family.

2. Why can the girl not eat the oranges on the train?

3. In what year does the story begin?

4. How many days is a woman packing after she sees the first internment notice?

5. What does the boy listen to on the radio at night?

(see the answer keys)

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