When Nietzsche Wept Test | Final Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Nietzsche Wept Test | Final Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nietzsche want to do for Breuer during their sessions?
(a) To clear his mind from cheating.
(b) To elevate Breuer's thoughts and perspective.
(c) To stop his gambling.
(d) To grant him forgiveness.

2. How did Mathilde meddle in Breuer's professional life several months ago?
(a) She made him change office buildings.
(b) She insisted he fire Eva Berger.
(c) She attended his staff meetings when Eva was present.
(d) She interrupted his counseling sessions.

3. As Nietzsche and Breuer walk through the cemetery, they start to doubt that the Bertha-obsession is rooted in ____________.
(a) Lust.
(b) Greed.
(c) Need.
(d) Love.

4. What is Nietzsche's last argument against the suggested course of treatment?
(a) He has a deadline.
(b) He cannot afford it.
(c) He will not have his books with him.
(d) He is scared.

5. After he is better, where does Nietzsche want to go?
(a) Basel.
(b) His parents' house.
(c) Rome.
(d) A cemetery.

6. As Breuer dismisses Nietzsche's final argument against treatment, how does Nietzsche respond to Breuer's request?
(a) Nietzsche is ready.
(b) Nietzsche is far from ready.
(c) Nietzsche is nervous.
(d) Nietzsche is reserved, but knows he must start.

7. What plan does Breuer propose to Nietzsche on the Monday morning following Nietzsche's illness?
(a) For Nietzsche to record his events for his next book.
(b) For both men to undergo the same treatment.
(c) For the men to part ways.
(d) For the men to treat each other.

8. As Breuer dismisses Nietzsche's final argument against treatment, what does Breuer ask Nietzsche about his treatment?
(a) Why can't he follow simple directions to get better?
(b) Does he really want to get better?
(c) How does he expect to get better if he won't take the medicine a doctor tries to give him?
(d) Why did he come for treatment if he is not willing to listen to the physician's advice?

9. During their second session, what does Breuer confess about his feelings towards his professional and personal life?
(a) He does not make enough money.
(b) His life is at a dead end.
(c) He disagrees with his past actions.
(d) He will never reach his goals.

10. What tradition does the Breuer family hold with Mathilde's sister and their families?
(a) Christmas caroling.
(b) Friday evening supper.
(c) Birthday celebrations.
(d) Thanksgiving breakfast.

11. How does Breuer feel about Mathilde's meddling in his professional life a few months ago?
(a) He thinks she was bored.
(b) He thinks she was unfair.
(c) He wishes she wasn't so mean.
(d) He now realizes she was right.

12. What does Breuer try to slip into the discussion during Nietzsche's first session with him?
(a) Lou Salome.
(b) Nietzsche's philosophical beliefs.
(c) Nietzsche's mother's death.
(d) Nietzsche's suicide attempts.

13. During the discussion about Breuer's interest in Nietzsche's case, what does Breuer fail at trying to do?
(a) Take notes.
(b) Drink water.
(c) Calm Nietzsche.
(d) Settle himself down.

14. What do Max and Breuer do together on Friday nights?
(a) Debate politics.
(b) Watch movies.
(c) Read the paper.
(d) Play chess.

15. What does Breuer think he is missing in his life that leads him to obsess over Bertha?
(a) A look from his wife.
(b) Trust.
(c) His children's adoration.
(d) Love.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nietzsche plan to do when he returns to Breuer's office in two hours?

2. What does Josef think Mathilde is really accusing him of on the morning after Nietzsche reads a letter from Elisabeth?

3. Who is Herr Schlegel?

4. In Nietzsche's letter to Peter Gast, what does he write about concerning his hospital stay?

5. In Nietzsche's letter to Peter Gast, how does he write about Lou Salome?

(see the answer keys)

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