When Nietzsche Wept Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Nietzsche Wept Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Irvin D. Yalom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Nietzsche not know about his books and Breuer?
(a) Breuer has already read them.
(b) Freud and Breuer study his books.
(c) Breuer has them from Lou Salome.
(d) Breuer knows Nietzsche's editor.

2. Nietzsche tells Breuer he normally lives ________________.
(a) In mental facilities.
(b) In hotels.
(c) In the dorm where he teaches.
(d) At friends' houses.

3. How does Josef feel concerning Freud's role in his marriage?
(a) Josef thinks Freud gives poor advice.
(b) Josef is jealous of Freud's counseling abilities.
(c) Josef worries Mathilde is falling in love with Freud.
(d) Josef feels bad that Freud is the confidant.

4. What do Nietzsche's three questions all concern?
(a) Where he should live.
(b) His physical self.
(c) What medicines he should take.
(d) How to escape from the hospital.

5. Where has Nietzsche previously had a professorship?
(a) Basel.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Pennsylvania.

6. How should Josef react about Lou during treatment with Nietzsche, according to Lou?
(a) To pretend he's never heard her name.
(b) To side with her.
(c) Not to align himself with her.
(d) Not to mention the "unholy Trinity."

7. In order to dispel Josef's skepticism about treating Friedrich, what does Lou give him?
(a) Photographs of Nietzsche in trouble.
(b) His medical files.
(c) A letter to Nietzsche from Richard Wagner.
(d) Money.

8. When Nietzsche arrives at Breuer's office for the first time, how does he appear?
(a) Pale, cold,and weak.
(b) Messy and unkept.
(c) Strong, firm, and decisive.
(d) Organized and put-together.

9. How did Lou's relationship with Nietzsche and Paul Ree begin?
(a) As a way to earn money.
(b) By convenience.
(c) As a marriage of the minds.
(d) For a means to escape prison.

10. What hurts Freud's chances of fulfilling his career?
(a) Anti-Semite forces.
(b) His family's lack of connections.
(c) Laziness.
(d) A lack of money.

11. When Breuer reads Nietzsche's books, what does he do with them?
(a) He puts them away.
(b) He spends a good amount of time reading them.
(c) He skims them quickly.
(d) He tears certain pages out.

12. Who is Frau Becker?
(a) Breuer's nurse.
(b) Breuer's understudy.
(c) Mathilde's sister.
(d) Freud's roommate.

13. How does Breuer describe Nietzsche the first time he sees him which he did not expect?
(a) As being strong and muscular.
(b) As having a soft voice.
(c) As being thin and sickly.
(d) As being gruff.

14. What does Nietzsche do every time Breuer starts to discuss suicide?
(a) Begins to cry.
(b) Walks to the door.
(c) Rubs his head.
(d) Changes the subject.

15. What does Mathilde confide to Freud concerning her marriage?
(a) Josef doesn't talk to her anymore.
(b) She has spoken to a divorce attorney.
(c) She fears Josef is dating again.
(d) She is having an affair.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Nietzsche, what has frustrated him about other physicians?

2. What is Josef's relationship with Bertha?

3. According to Lou, who has been the major cause of Nietzsche's recent bout with despair?

4. What does Breuer wonder about concerning Mathilde?

5. Where do Josef and Lou have their second meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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