When My Brother Was an Aztec Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Natalie Diaz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When My Brother Was an Aztec Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Natalie Diaz
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of which of the following fruits does the narrator note her brother’s clothes smell?
(a) Nectarines.
(b) Peaches.
(c) Plums.
(d) Pears.

2. Which of the following documents is noted to accompany Mojave Barbie?
(a) A colonche recipe.
(b) A frybread recipe.
(c) A tortilla recipe.
(d) A passport.

3. Which of the following does the narrator note her brother feeds “The slave girls” (1)?
(a) Frijoles.
(b) Trigo.
(c) Maíz.
(d) Arroz.

4. Which of the following is the first line of the title poem?
(a) “I watched a lion eat a man like a piece of fruit”
(b) “Angels don’t come to the reservation”
(c) “When we were children, we traced our knees”
(d) “he lived in our basement and sacrificed my parents”

5. Which of the following is the *first* to be marked for “immeasurable gratitude” in the dedication of the book?
(a) Ted.
(b) Cecilia.
(c) Janet.
(d) Diane.

6. Which of the following does Guy No-Horse himself yell?
(a) Listen!
(b) Ya-ha!
(c) Yo-hoy!
(d) Hey!

7. To which of the following does the narrator compare road workers?
(a) Roaches.
(b) Spiders.
(c) Fire ants.
(d) Locusts.

8. Which of the following instruments does the narrator remark remain in museums?
(a) Trumpets.
(b) Flutes.
(c) Drums.
(d) Guitars.

9. Which seeds accompany the addressee of “Mercy Songs to Melancholy”?
(a) White poplar.
(b) Black poplar.
(c) Black poppy.
(d) Sunflower.

10. With which of the following bluish semiprecious stones does the narrator’s brother reportedly always return?
(a) Turquoise.
(b) Chrysocolla.
(c) Howlite.
(d) Lapis lazuli.

11. In which of the following do Mojave Barbie and Ken conduct their assignations?
(a) Dream Closet.
(b) Dream Pool.
(c) Glam Getaway.
(d) Dream House.

12. Which of the following describes the suit in “Mercy Songs to Melancholy”?
(a) Charcoal three-piece.
(b) Navy three-piece.
(c) Navy two-piece.
(d) Charcoal two-piece.

13. Of which of the following birds’ feces is the narrator’s brother reported to smell?
(a) Roadrunner.
(b) Peacock.
(c) Astrapia.
(d) Parrot.

14. With which of the following are the burritos Reservation Mary sells stuffed?
(a) Cheese and potato.
(b) Rice and bean.
(c) Cheese and bean.
(d) Chorizo and egg.

15. Which of the following gives Guy No-Horse his wheelchair?
(a) USPHS.
(b) BIA.
(c) USDA.
(d) PIMC.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following avians is on the costume with which the narrator is provided for Halloween?

2. Which of the following publications is noted to accompany Mojave Barbie?

3. What color hair do the women who dance with Guy No-Horse have?

4. The collection defines “yenni” as which of the following?

5. To which meal are Ken and Skipper confined?

(see the answer keys)

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