When I Was Puerto Rican Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When I Was Puerto Rican Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why must Esmeralda use her right hand to cross herself?
(a) Esmeralda's left hand has an unsightly mole.
(b) The left hand is the Devil's hand.
(c) Esmeralda is a child and must cross with her right hand.
(d) Esmeralda injured her left hand to gain Abuela's sympathy.

2. When Esmeralda meets Rita, what does Rita's smile remind her of?
(a) The Chiquita banana woman.
(b) Lipstick ads.
(c) Colgate toothpaste commercials.
(d) A famous actress.

3. What was the chief sin Esmeralda comes to expect from men?
(a) She expects that they will be lazy.
(b) She expects that they will squander their money.
(c) She expects that they will often be drunk.
(d) She expects that they will cheat on their wives.

4. What color shirt does Papi want on Sunday morning?
(a) It used to be white, but now it's brownish.
(b) Blue.
(c) White.
(d) Yellow.

5. When Esmeralda is living in Saturce, what nighttime sound does she miss most?
(a) Coqui tree frogs singing.
(b) People fighting.
(c) Music blaring.
(d) Cars backfiring.

Short Answer Questions

1. Esmeralda learns that all men are which of the following?

2. Who is Margie?

3. In "Someone is Coming to Take Your Lap", Esmeralda sees "ribbons" hanging from the trees. What are these "ribbons"?

4. Why can't Papi bring Margie to visit?

5. What does Abuela offer Esmeralda in case she gets hungry before bed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the house Esmeralda's family moves into at the beginning of Chapter 1: Jibara.

2. What is a jamona?

3. Why do Ramona and Pablo fight at the beginning of "Fighting Naked"?

4. According to Papi, why do Americans speak Spanish so poorly?

5. Which feature does Abuela say Esmeralda shares with her father, and what does this feature supposedly indicate?

6. Describe the song at the opening of "The American Invasion of Macun".

7. Describe the house Esmeralda's family moves to in "Someone is Coming to Take Your Lap".

8. When Mami comes to get Esmeralda, how does Esmeralda feel about being left at Abuela's by Papi?

9. What does the family do when the heavy rains come in "Someone is Coming to Take Your Lap"?

10. List the characteristics children use to label Esmeralda a jibara.

(see the answer keys)

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