When I Was Puerto Rican Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When I Was Puerto Rican Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Esmeralda's piano teacher slap her hands during her first lesson?
(a) Esmeralda is disrespectful of his authority.
(b) Esmeralda is daydreaming.
(c) Esmeralda is a slow learner.
(d) Esmeralda plays the piano like a conga drum.

2. Where does Esmeralda go with Mami to act as a translator?
(a) The police station.
(b) A meeting with Mami's boss at the factory.
(c) The welfare office.
(d) The elementary school office.

3. Why do Esmeralda and the children stay cooped up inside now that they live in Brooklyn?
(a) Mami doesn't trust that they will not get lost.
(b) The neighborhood is full of gente mala.
(c) The children have too much homework to play outside.
(d) It is too cold to go outside.

4. Which family member dies during "Casi Senorita"?
(a) Abuelo.
(b) Tata.
(c) Raymond.
(d) Abuela.

5. How old is Esmeralda when the family moves to New York?
(a) 10.
(b) 12.
(c) 13.
(d) 8.

6. To what does Esmeralda compare her developing breasts?
(a) Egg yolks.
(b) Strawberries.
(c) Hills.
(d) Tennis balls.

7. What floats by the barrio Esmeralda's family moves to in "El Mangle"?
(a) Trash.
(b) Human waste.
(c) Dead fish.
(d) Leaves.

8. Where does the family live in "Dreams of a Better Life"?
(a) San Juan.
(b) Macun.
(c) Santurce.
(d) Sabana Seca.

9. Which memory causes Esmeralda to cry in "El Mangle"?
(a) The memory of Abuela's house.
(b) The memory of the flamboyan tree in the backyard.
(c) The memory of watching sunsets from the porch with her father.
(d) The memory of her old school.

10. What does Francisco tell Mami before he dies?
(a) Francisco tells her he loves her.
(b) Francisco tells her she must return to Puerto Rico to bury his body.
(c) Francisco says he has seen an angel in a dream.
(d) Francisco says the hospital was feeding him peanuts.

11. Why does Esmeralda wear her special white dress in "El Mangle"?
(a) Esmeralda participates in funeral rites.
(b) Esmeralda is baptized.
(c) Esmeralda must impress Mami's employer.
(d) Esmeralda goes to a school function.

12. What happens when Esmeralda walks home with Johannes?
(a) Johannes tries to kiss Esmeralda.
(b) Johannes carries her things.
(c) Esmeralda falls in the creek.
(d) Esmeralda slaps him.

13. What does Tata warn Esmeralda to watch out for?
(a) Puddles.
(b) Pidgeons.
(c) Dogs.
(d) Glass.

14. According to Esmeralda, why couldn't Papi live in a place like El Mangle?
(a) Papi is not allowed to travel.
(b) Papi's nose is sensitive to bad smells.
(c) Papi cannot find work in places like El Mange.
(d) Papi has too much pride.

15. What does the family eat when they arrive at Tata's?
(a) Asopao.
(b) Empanadas.
(c) Stew.
(d) Arroz con pollo.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first word of English Esmeralda hears her mother speak?

2. Why do the children misbehave when Mami goes away?

3. Why does Mami keep a small notebook in her purse?

4. What chore to Gladys and Esmeralda do every morning?

5. What color are Nicasia's eyes?

(see the answer keys)

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