When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Hard

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Hard

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Anna's father say might pick up his film script?

2. How does Anna's family feel on the boat to England?

3. What kind of teacher is the woman in question #97?

4. What was the confrontation with the concierge about?

5. What is the year and season at the start of Chapter 20?

Short Essay Questions

1. With what family does Anna's family spend time and why?

2. Why does the family visit Switzerland and why are they able to go?

3. With is Anna's mother learning to do and with what does she have some problems?

4. What relative does Anna's mother take her to see and why is communication difficult? Why is that relative in France?

5. How is Anna's family doing by the spring, what are they doing and who in the household feels gloomy? Why does she feel gloomy?

6. How does Anna's mother get some cloth for clothing?

7. Who is the children's new teacher, and how has that teacher's life changed?

8. How do Anna and Max finally go to school and what is difficult for them?

9. What is Anna's father attempting to do to earn more money and how does this lead her mother to want to move to England?

10. How does Anna do on her elementary examinations?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Titles often play a vital role in making a person decide to read a particular book. Discuss the following:

1. Fully explain why you think "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" is titled as such. Do you think it is the best title for the book? Why or why not? Can you think of a better title? Why would you choose it?

2. How important is a title in influencing you to consider reading a book? Explain your answer.

3. Do you think a title needs to have direct relevance to a book's content? Explain your answer.

4. Have you ever read a book that when you finished, you do not understand the relevance of the title? Does it discourage you from "trusting" that particular author again?

Essay Topic 2

Onkel Julius visits as well, and explains to them that the Nazis have burned all the books of prominent Jewish intellectuals, including Anna's father's books. Her father even has trouble publishing in Switzerland because the Swiss are so intent on maintaining their neutrality with the Nazis. Nonetheless, their family manages to survive financially.

1. What are the political advantages to burning books for a totalitarian government? Use examples from the text, research and your own life to support your answer.

2. Do you think it was wise of the Swiss not to publish Anna's father's writings? Why or why not? Use examples from the book and your own life to support your answer.

3. Some would say by remaining neutral in the second World War Switzerland acted as a coward. What do you think are some of the reasons a country might want to remain neutral in a war? Use examples from "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" and your own life to support your answer.

Essay Topic 3

Onkel Julius has died, apparently committing suicide after being severely oppressed by the Nazis.

1. Do you think suicide is a reasonable answer to a person's problems? Why or why not? Use examples from "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" and your own life to support your answer.

2. Discuss the following statement: Suicide is permanent whereas most problems are not. Use examples from "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" and your own life to support your answer.

3. What other options do you think Onkel Julius might have had other than suicide? Use examples from the text, from research and your own life to support your answer.

(see the answer keys)

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