When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Medium

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Medium

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Anna and Max have a difficult time in school?
(a) Only French is spoken.
(b) They are not Catholic.
(c) They are younger than their classmates.
(d) They are older than their classmates.

2. What is the difference between Anna's father's pay in Paris as compared to in Germany?
(a) He makes much less.
(b) He makes about the same.
(c) He makes double what he did.
(d) He makes a little more.

3. What is so special about Anna's essay?
(a) It is about fighting Hitler.
(b) It is written in French, her second language.
(c) It is publishable.
(d) It shows an understanding of French politics.

4. What is the term the school uses if a child passes a subject way above passing grade?
(a) Passed with distinction.
(b) Passed above grade.
(c) Passed with honor.
(d) Passed with ci-dessus.

5. What is wrong with what Anna's father bought her mother?
(a) It is completely broken.
(b) There is nothing wrong with it.
(c) It works off and on.
(d) It needs one small part.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why do the visitors give Sarah cloth?

2. What is the date of the anniversary of the French revolution?

3. With what is Sarah pleased that Anna did?

4. What do Anna's parents do at the end of Chapter 22?

5. What does Anna decide after she reflects on her childhood?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Anna see more of her father?

2. What is the problem with the gift Anna's father bought her mother and what do they try to do?

3. How does Anna do on her elementary examinations?

4. What does Anna's father buy her mother and why does he buy it?

5. How is Anna's father's job going, and what does she do that pleases him?

6. What does Francine do with Anna when they visit and what does Anna do that pleases her Aunt Sarah?

7. How does Anna's mother get some cloth for clothing?

8. How is Anna adapting to the French language, why does this cause problems with her mother and what resolves the issue?

9. With what family does Anna's family spend time and why?

10. How is the family's first Christmas in Paris and why is it that way?

(see the answer keys)

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