When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Easy

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit Test | Final Test - Easy

Judith Kerr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Anna decided to do about the French elementary school exam?
(a) Take the French elementary school exam.
(b) Not take the exam.
(c) Only take the first three sections.
(d) Take the exam in six months.

2. What has Anna's mother found for her and Max by the end of Chapter 14?
(a) A place to buy good used clothing.
(b) A private tutor.
(c) A governess.
(d) A school for them.

3. Who does Anna's father say might pick up his film script?
(a) An British film director.
(b) A French film studio.
(c) Hollywood.
(d) An Italian film studio.

4. What language besides French does Anna's teacher speak?
(a) Norwegian.
(b) Italian.
(c) English.
(d) German.

5. Who has bought Anna's father's script?
(a) A studio in Hungary.
(b) A university in England.
(c) A film director from Hollywood.
(d) A film director in England.

6. What was the confrontation with the concierge about?
(a) Paying the rent.
(b) Allowing children in the lobby.
(c) Having him do the shopping.
(d) Having him receive packages.

7. What is the difference between Anna's father's pay in Paris as compared to in Germany?
(a) He makes double what he did.
(b) He makes much less.
(c) He makes about the same.
(d) He makes a little more.

8. What happens that makes Anna speak French with ease?
(a) Her brother helps her after school.
(b) She is given a new teacher.
(c) Nothing happens.
(d) Everything just falls into place.

9. What is the term the school uses if a child passes a subject way above passing grade?
(a) Passed above grade.
(b) Passed with honor.
(c) Passed with distinction.
(d) Passed with ci-dessus.

10. What do Anna's parents do about her father's gift?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Have it fixed.
(c) Return it to the store.
(d) Sell it to a neighbor.

11. How does Anna feel about her French and the exam?
(a) She feels rather confident but not overly so.
(b) Still not confident.
(c) Very confident.
(d) She has no thoughts about her French.

12. How does Sarah get Anna's mother to take some cloth?
(a) She insists and pushes it on her.
(b) She asks Anna's mother to make something for her.
(c) She sends it to Anna's home.
(d) She claims she has too much.

13. What happens with Max and Anna's difficulties from question #101?
(a) They become so great she is fired.
(b) They become more obedient.
(c) They decide to write all their lessons.
(d) They lessen over time.

14. How does Anna do on her first assignments?
(a) She makes excellent on all of them.
(b) She does about average for the class.
(c) They are complete failures.
(d) She does not complete any assignments.

15. As what does Anna's father see the cloth from Sarah?
(a) A generous gift from a relative.
(b) A part of their religious tithes.
(c) Charity.
(d) A great windfall for the children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Anna's mother think of public schools for her children?

2. What knowledge did the woman in question #97 not use much before so many refugees came to France?

3. What is the name of Anna's teacher?

4. What kind of teacher is the woman in question #97?

5. What does a Jewish actor bring to Anna's family that belonged to Onkel?

(see the answer keys)

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