When God Was a Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When God Was a Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Merlin Stone
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hat-Hor is symbolized by a ________ with a cobra on her forehead, as the nature of Ua Zit is retained in the culture.
(a) Horse
(b) Cow
(c) Pig
(d) Snake

2. ___________ women cannot engage in business and are killed for losing their virginity before marriage, even if they were raped.
(a) Hebrew
(b) Libyan
(c) Egyptian
(d) Sumerian

3. At some point, the Goddess acquires a male who becomes her lover or consort, but she retains _____________.
(a) Her God partner
(b) Precedence
(c) Submissiveness
(d) A husband

4. __________, "Lord of the mountains," kills Danu and her son Vrtra, causing cosmic waters to flow, which gives birth to the sun.
(a) Sophocles
(b) Astarte
(c) Indra
(d) Andu

5. ______________ have been found in primitive settlements from Spain to Siberia, hailing from 25,000 BCE.
(a) Goddess books
(b) Willendorf sculptures
(c) Venus figures
(d) Male figurines

6. It appears that the critical element is matrilineal descent of name and ___________ rather than women in power.
(a) Lovers
(b) Crops
(c) Paper
(d) Property

7. ____________ continues to be revered as the bestower of rights to shepherds and kings, suggesting matrilineal rights still apply to royalty.
(a) Iris
(b) Astarte
(c) Inanna
(d) Isis

8. At Nimrud, documents show that women still serve as ____________ and magistrates in the 8th century BCE.
(a) Witnesses
(b) Judges
(c) Accusers
(d) Juries

9. Myths that grow from a religion serving a female deity view ______________ differently from those created by male-oriented religions.
(a) Learning
(b) Manhood
(c) Religion
(d) Womanhood

10. Who were the light-skinned warriors who encountered the darker-skinned Goddess worshiping people?
(a) Dravidians
(b) Hebrews
(c) Indo-Ayyan barbarians
(d) Sumerians

11. Which Goddess is said to have created everything, including setting the Sun God Ra into the sky?
(a) Osiris
(b) Nut
(c) Isis
(d) Athena

12. Females seem to invent not just agriculture, but also ______________, according to Stone's findings.
(a) Writing
(b) Paper
(c) Mathematics
(d) Stars

13. Who were the darker skinned Goddess worshiping people who were seen to be culturally superior?
(a) Hebrews
(b) Indo-Aryan barbarians
(c) Dravidians
(d) Sumerians

14. Robertson Smith claims the Semitic religion results from the juxtaposition of ___________ worship and a female kinship system.
(a) Light
(b) Nature
(c) Ancestor
(d) Crop

15. The _____________ Goddess resuscitates her mate, proving she is the ultimate source of life and regeneration.
(a) Greek
(b) Egyptian
(c) Sumerian
(d) Mesopotamian

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Golden Ass," the Goddess speaks of herself as ___________, manifesting herself in various gods and goddesses.

2. The illiterate Northerners adopt two alphabets for their Sanskrit language in which they produce the _____________.

3. Female deities are extolled for their roles as healers, with female priestesses serving as _____________.

4. Even as the males gain control over government in Minoan culture, the Goddess remains supreme and the male is a _____________.

5. Robertson Smith claims that in Arabia, all traits of the dominant Goddess are transferred to the _____________ before she is subordinated.

(see the answer keys)

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