When Breath Becomes Air Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paul Kalanithi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When Breath Becomes Air Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Paul Kalanithi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Prologue, what did Paul's weight drop to when he began having chest pain?
(a) 175 pounds.
(b) 145 pounds.
(c) 150 pounds.
(d) 135 pounds.

2. When did Thomas Browne write "Religio Medici"?
(a) 1642.
(b) 1841.
(c) 1594.
(d) 1711.

3. When did medical school students have to bring their own cadavers to school?
(a) Nineteenth century.
(b) Seventeenth century.
(c) Eighteenth century.
(d) Sixteenth century.

4. How old was Paul's first patient who died in Part 1, Section 3?
(a) 74.
(b) 53.
(c) 82.
(d) 67.

5. Where did Paul live in Part 1, Section 1, when he finished high school?
(a) Texas.
(b) Colorado.
(c) Arizona.
(d) New Mexico.

Short Answer Questions

1. On a Thursday in the Prologue, how many hours did Paul spend in the operating room on a series of complex cases?

2. At the beginning of Part 1, Section 2, what master's program did Paul apply for?

3. What was the gestational age of the twins that died during Paul's assignment in the ob-gyn section of the hospital?

4. Where did Paul stay when he was taking pre-med courses?

5. Where was Verghese when he "met" Paul?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were some of the first symptoms Paul had experienced?

2. What was Paul's educational journey?

3. How did Paul feel when he made a trip to New York in the Prologue?

4. Why does Abraham Verghese say that his foreword should have been an afterward?

5. How did Paul describe his father?

6. What was Paul's memorial service like?

7. How did Paul view language at the beginning of Part 1, Section 2?

8. What were some of the things that Paul's mother did in order to see that her children were educated?

9. What was the intern's role when Paul began his residency in Part 1, Section 3?

10. In Part 1, Section 3, who was the first patient Paul lost, and how did she die?

(see the answer keys)

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