When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America Test | Final Test - Easy

Paula Giddings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America Test | Final Test - Easy

Paula Giddings
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did critics in 1900 state was the author of "the most powerful protest novel . . . with the exception of Ann Perry"?
(a) Francis Burks.
(b) Laura Sterns.
(c) Mary May Wright.
(d) Pauline Hopkins.

2. What state law covered under federal legislation, declared that one spouse must resign if the other was gainfully employed?
(a) Federal Economy Act.
(b) Federal Single Family Employment Act.
(c) Federal Fair Work Act.
(d) Federal Women's Work Act.

3. What school, according to the chapter "The Radical Interracialists," was tongue-lashed by Congress for its library containing a book on socialism?
(a) William and Mary University.
(b) Princeton University.
(c) Howard University.
(d) Harvard University.

4. What year's census showed that "all women employed in manufacturing and mechanical industries were Black"?
(a) 1910.
(b) 1950.
(c) 1920.
(d) 1940.

5. How much did Mary McLeod Bethune have as her initial investment to start a school?
(a) $1.50.
(b) $0.87.
(c) $67.00.
(d) $3.68.

6. Who was the YWCA's first Black secretary?
(a) Theresa Singer.
(b) Madra Biship.
(c) Sandra Bruns.
(d) Eva Bowles.

7. In 1937, how many Black woman walked out of the I.N. Vaughn Company because of low wages and hard work?
(a) 500.
(b) 400.
(c) 600.
(d) 200.

8. What advertising image did the chapter "A Search for Self" state was grotesque? (As pointed out by Elise McDougald.)
(a) Rastus-Cream of Wheat.
(b) Aunt Jemima.
(c) Mrs. Butterworth.
(d) Uncle Ben.

9. What mission in New York, helped women get job-placement, job training, and offered Afro-American history courses?
(a) The Oak Mission.
(b) White Rose Mission.
(c) The Tulip Mission.
(d) Purple Iris Mission.

10. In what year was the Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education Supreme Court case argued?
(a) 1946.
(b) 1932.
(c) 1954.
(d) 1963.

11. Who founded the UNIA?
(a) Louis Farican.
(b) Martin Luther King, Jr.
(c) Malcolm X.
(d) Marcus Garvey.

12. What did Elise McDougald state was assuming a subordinate place in regard to feminists efforts?
(a) "The sex struggle."
(b) "The struggle of race."
(c) "The equality struggle."
(d) "The struggle of Black women alone."

13. According to the chapter "Toward Interracial Cooperation," where did Black and White women "find a common meeting ground"?
(a) Patriarchial issues.
(b) Sexual orientation.
(c) Religious orientation.
(d) Women in the workplace issues.

14. In 1915, how many students graduated from Daytona School for Girls?
(a) 3.
(b) 17.
(c) 11.
(d) 5.

15. According to the chapter "Black Braintrusters," how many Black women marched into the White House in 1941?
(a) 100.
(b) 31.
(c) 15.
(d) 67.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year did Booker T. Washington die?

2. After the strike on the pecan factory in St. Louis ended, how much more per week did the women working there get paid?

3. Who ran unsuccessfully for president of the NACW in 1924?

4. Who was the first White woman named as executive director of the CIC?

5. What riot inspired the sonnet that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge placed into "The Congressional Record"?

(see the answer keys)

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