Wheat That Springeth Green Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

J.F. Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Wheat That Springeth Green Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

J.F. Powers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Joe realize has been hiding behind a curtain while he was with Dora in Chapter 3?
(a) Rex.
(b) Frances.
(c) Joe’s ex-girlfriend.
(d) A stranger.

2. Who gets upset with Joe during a class gathering when Joe says that the “priest’s life....has to be rooted in contemplation” (71)?
(a) Mooney.
(b) Toohey.
(c) Cooney.
(d) Rooney.

3. Who is the housekeeper at Holy Faith?
(a) Mrs. Slaag.
(b) Mrs. Dixon.
(c) Mrs. Cox.
(d) Mrs. Hacket.

4. Why did some people think Joe’s transfer to Charities made no sense?
(a) They thought he should be given a parish of his own.
(b) They thought he had quit the priesthood.
(c) They thought he had died.
(d) They thought he should have been fired.

5. What does Joe do at first when Father Stock hands him the basket to take up a collection?
(a) He tells the church he thinks this is absurd.
(b) He does what is expected of him.
(c) He hides in a bathroom.
(d) He throws the basket on the floor and runs off.

6. Who does Joe think he would marry if he followed his Uncle Bobby’s footsteps?
(a) Phoebe.
(b) Agatha.
(c) Fiona.
(d) Frances.

7. What newspaper article, regarding Joe’s father’s truck business, makes Joe’s dad sick in Chapter 2?
(a) His truck has been seized with a load of Canadian whiskey.
(b) Truckers have gone on strike.
(c) Uncle Bobby has stolen his truck and cannot be found.
(d) Uncle Bobby sold the business.

8. What happens to Joe at the end of Chapter 3, which ends his relationship with Dora and Frances?
(a) He becomes a priest.
(b) He moves.
(c) He gets a track scholarship.
(d) He contracts an STD.

9. What does Joe drop on Catfish Toohey’s foot during the Easter play in Chapter 2?
(a) A microphone.
(b) A brick.
(c) The cross.
(d) A block of wood.

10. What happens to the Rector the day Joe was to return his hair shirt?
(a) He leaves the church.
(b) He has a heart attack.
(c) He changes his mind about the shirt.
(d) He is transferred to a new church.

11. Where was Father Joe sent after his time at Holy Faith?
(a) St. Francis.
(b) Holy Cross.
(c) Archdiocesan Charities.
(d) Christian Charities.

12. What type of transportation does the new curate arrive in in Chapter 11?
(a) A cab.
(b) A bicycle.
(c) A renovated school bus.
(d) VW Beetle.

13. Why does Joe feel he is being blamed for the Rector’s death in Chapter 4?
(a) Because he was the last person to see the Rector alive.
(b) Because he did not take the hair shirt off.
(c) Because not giving back the shirt caused the Rector too much grief.
(d) Because they feel the Rector would have lived if he was wearing the hair shirt.

14. For what reason does Lefty suggest Joe was sent to Charities?
(a) Because Joe came from wealth and the Archdiocese wanted him to see another kind of life.
(b) Because the Archdiocese thought it would be an easy place for Joe to work.
(c) Because the Archdiocese thought Joe and Paddy would get along.
(d) Because the Archdiocese wanted to punish him.

15. What year is it at the start of Chapter 8?
(a) 1968.
(b) 1973.
(c) 1941.
(d) 1963.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Delbert Freeman yell out about Joe just before the sack race in Chapter 2?

2. At the start of Chapter 5, who is the other new priest with Joe as Father Stock tells them the order of the next day’s Mass?

3. What does 15-year-old Joe begin to do in his cellar over the summer in Chapter 3?

4. What does Father Stock do when a homeless man does not pay for his ice cream?

5. Who leaves the seminary to join the Trappists in Chapter 4?

(see the answer keys)

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